Year 5•6

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"So you never told me anything Y•N?" Hermione asked as she took a seat next to her. "About what? My charms homework?" Y•N said then laughed.

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about." Hermione told her and raised an eyebrow. "I actually don't, so just tell me!" Y•N said. She didn't know what she was talking about, but she knew she was gonna tell her.

"Ugh fine." Hermione shrugged. She grabbed Y•N's shoulders and moved her to the corner of the great hall. "Okay what?" Y•N asked.

"Tell me about you and Harry, I know you two kissed!" Hermione said. "Oh, it was a mistletoe, nothing serious!" She lied, their kiss was passionate but she didn't wanna sound desperate.

"Oh please, well whatever Harry's coming." Hermione said as she moved away.

She looked at Harry who walked towards her. "Hello Harry, how are you?" Y•N asked as she grabbed her book. "Hello Y•N, good you?" Harry asked nervously.

"Good actually." She responded and laughed.

The two stood there awkwardly with complete silence. "Can I ask you something?" Harry asked uncomfortably. "Of course." She replied.

"W-Would you like to go for a butterbear in hogsmeade with me on Saturday?"Harry asked.

"Is that a date?" Y•N asked and laughed.

"Well, if you want to, it doesn't have to be?" Harry asked awkwardly. "It's a date then." Y•N smiled as she walked away.

She felt a little bad she didn't know if it was to soon, but she knew she had to move on as well. "Did he ask?" Hermione asked her. "How do you know?" Y•N said and laughed.

"Senses!" Hermione laughed.


"Where are you going?" She heard a voice and turned around.

"Well if it isn't Pug-face." Y•N crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Answer the question Avaline." Pansy told her.

"I don't have to." Y•N laughed as she grabbed her scarf. "Well don't answer and I'll keep this." Pansy said. Y•N turned to see her holding the ring Cedric had given her.

"Hand it over Parkinson." Y•N held her hand. "Nah maybe, you will learn to answer." Pansy juggled the ring.

"Give it to her Pansy." She heard a voice and turned to see Draco. "Whatever." Pansy threw the ring to the floor and walked away.

Y•N rolled her eyes and grabbed the ring.

She walked out of the common room rolling her eyes, She hoped Pansy and Draco didn't decide to snog on her bed again, it was getting annoying.

"Hey." Y•N smiled as she looked at Harry who was waiting for her. "Hi." Harry said and gave a smile.

"You ready?" Harry asked her. She nodded as they started to walk down.

She remembered when Cedric had tooken here last year, it was an amazing day, overall Hogsmeade reminded her of amazing memories.

They entered the hogs head, and took a seat in the corner of the area. The same area where her and Cedric had sat last year.

"Hello what can I get you two?" A man in his forties came to ask. "A hot butterbear for me." Y•N said as her put her palm up.

"I'll have a normal butterbear." Harry told him. He nodded as he walked away.

"Why do you look so nervous?" Y•N asked Harry as he was looking at the table. "Um well this is basically my first date." Harry said nervously.

"So? I've known you since your first year, don't be nervous." Y•N said and laughed.

The man put the two drinks on the table as he walked away.

"So Um what do you want to do after?" Harry asked her as he took his first sip of his butterbear.

"Well I need to practice so we should go near the lake?" Y•N asked.

"Well that's the plan." Harry said and laughed.

They both finished their drink as they walked out. Not that much students had gone to hogsmeade today, which slightly made the date to be easier.

"Here this spot is nice." Y•N said. They took a seat in a spot near the lake as well as a large tree.

"What do you need?" Harry asked her. "I'm just gonna make a small fire in the floor, no one will notice." Y•N said as she sat on her knees.

She closed her eyes and held her hands up. She felt as a fire started to circle around her. "Wow Y•N this is amazing." Harry smiled.

Y•N gave a smile still with her eyes shut. The fire got hotter but normal. She felt as the fire grew bigger. "Y•N I think it's a little visible now." Harry said. Y•N couldn't hear it she felt as if the fire was getting closer to her rather then defend herself.

"Y•N stop!" Harry shouted. She felt heat coming up her sleeve before everything went back.

"Harry?" She asked. She looked around, she was in a bed.

"Y•N are you alright?" He asked as he sat next to her.

"Where am I?" She replied with a question. "Gryffindor common room, I think you used so much power that you got drained out." Harry responded. Y•N looked at her sweater as part of the sleeve had been burned of.

"Am I allowed to be here?" She asked. "Yea, I asked McGonogall she gave me permission." Harry replied.

She stood up, nothing in her appearance other then the sweater  had changed. "Thank you Harry." Y•N said and smiled.

He smiled back and placed his hands in his pocket.

"Here I'll walk you." Harry told her. She nodded as they walked out of the common room.

They had to walk outside to go to the Slytherin common room. She was only wearing a sweater with a skirt. "Are you cold?" Harry asked her.

"A little." She replied and giggled. "Here." He said. He placed his black jacket on her shoulders.
She smiled as they walked.

"Thank you for keeping me safe." Y•N said and laughed. Harry nodded and laugh.

They looked at each other. She grabbed the front neck of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss.

He placed his hand on her neck like always. They pulled away after a minute. She smiled at him and walked into her common room. "One thing?" Harry said grabbing her arm. "Have this." He gave her a locket. It was gold and had a silver lining making it look like a vine. "Wow it's beautiful." Y•N said and smiled.

She hugged him giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." She said. She put on the locket and smiled.

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