Year 2•5

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A month had passed After the dueling club, Y/N researched a lot about how it was possible that she could speak to snakes, a Slytherin Muggleborn almost seemed Impossible, to some, yet odd for others.

"I'm going to sleep, goodnight Y/N." Pansy spoke as she shut her charms book and waved goodbye. Y/N stayed in the desk as she did her homework, she had gotten a low grade in her Charm Quiz, and was working to get it up.

"Oh, you're here." Draco said in disgust as he walked in With Crabbe and  Goyle. "Yeah I'm here, why?" Y/N asked
looking up from her book. "Nothing, you can join us I guess." Draco smiled.

Y/N rolled her eyes, but why miss a chance to eavesdrop on their conversation. She walked to the couch near the fireplace, sitting down in the edge.

Y/N looked at Crabbe and Goyle who looked like they needed permission to sit down. "That's odd." Y/N thought to herself as she grabbed one of the potions book.

"Well, sit down." Draco pointed putting his arms up as Both Crabbe and Goyle sat down looking at each other before doing so.

"You would never know the weasleys are pure bloods, by the way they behave. It's an embarrassment to the Wizarding world." Draco said. Y/N looked at Crabbe who was clutching his fist.

She didn't agree with what Draco was saying, but it was improper, for Crabbe to be clutching his fist in front of Draco. "Are you alright Crabbe?" Y/N asked. "Yeah What's wrong Crabbe?" Draco asked as well.

Goyle pushed  Crabbe's shoulder telling him to say something. "Stomach Ace." Crabbe responded.

Both Y/N and Draco looked confused as they looked at each other. "You know, I'm surprised the daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks,I suppose Dumbledores trying to hide it." Draco continued.

"Father always said Dumbledore was the worst thing to happen to this place." Draco said as he was about to stand up. "You're wrong!" Goyle Objected, That crossed Y/N's line that was not Goyle he would never disagree with Draco.
"What?" You think someone here who's worse than Dumbledore?" Draco asked him raising his eyebrows. Both boys stayed quiet which annoyed Draco a lot.

"Well do you!?" Draco asked. Goyle looked at Crabbe looking like he was about to guess.

"Harry Potter?" Goyle asked. Draco grinned and calmed down his temper, however Y/N was still suspicious about both boys.

"Good one Goyle, your absolutely right. Saint Pottah." Draco said as he rolled his eyes. "And people actually think he's the Heir of Slytherin?" Draco questioned. "But then you must have an Idea of who's behind it." Goyle asked.

"You know I don't Goyle. How many times do I have to tell you?" Draco responded.

Draco was right, Y/N had overheard Draco multiple times, refusing he was not the Heir. Either they were way dumber than what Y/N already knew, or her suspicions were correct.
He grabbed a green circular box with a silver ribbon.

"Is this yours?" He asked Y/N, Crabbe and Goyle.  Who all shook their heads. He put the box into his wand pocket.
"But my father did say this,it's been 50 years since the Chamber was opened,he wouldn't tell me who opened it but only that they were expelled." Draco continued. "Last time the Chamber was opened, a Mud-Blood died, so it's only a matter of time one is killed this time." Draco said. Y/N looked at the floor knowing she is a muggle-born and can be in danger.

"As for me I hope it's Granger, I would've said Avaline as well but she's getting better now." Draco stated. "I'm right here." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh right." He realized.  Crabbe stood up looking like he was ready to hit Draco, Goyle stopped him. Y/N knew that wasn't Crabbe or Goyle and was gonna get to the end of it.
"You're acting very Odd." Y/N , looking at Draco.

"It's his stomach ace." Goyle said. Draco opened the circular box which had earrings in it.

"Hey where are you two going?" Draco asked as they caught his eye. Both didn't respond and left the room.

"That's strange." Draco said as he gave Y•N the earrings .

"That is not Crabbe and Goyle." Y•N said.

"Isn't that impossible to be someone else?" Draco asked as he sat down.

"No, remember poly juice from last class!" Y•N said then looked at the door. "I'll find out who was spying on us." Y•N said as she took her robe of.

"Goodnight Draco." Y•N told him and smiled. "Goodnight Avaline." He said and gave a small smile.

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