Year 1•11

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Many Months had passed, Slytherin had the most points in the house contest and it was looking good for the house.
"I can't believe Snape graded my essay wrong." Pansy whined. "What do you mean?" Y/N looked at her parchment, with the number "81/100 stamped on the side."

"It's a 81, it isn't bad." She responded while drinking her tea.
"Yeah, but We Slytherins always get 90's." Pansy sighed facing towards the table.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go do some homework wanna come?" Pansy asked Y/N, picking up her bag and books in the process.

"No thank you." Y/N responded. "I'm helping Mcgonogall with her Grades." She told Pansy.  "Let me guess, Detention?" Pansy asked her with a smile.
Y/N nodded, laughing. "Okay bye!" Y/N waved and walked to McGonogall's class.

"Hello Y/N. "Professor McGonogall greeted her. Seated in her wide desk with over many 200 letters and envelopes.
"Hi Professor, can we start?" Y/N asked politely not wanting to get detention again.

"Yes of course, just put the wax seal on the letters and I'll give them to the students tomorrow." She told her.

"Okay." Y/N responded and melted the wax. "Professor have you seen-" Y/N was about to ask a question but was cut off.
"Professor!" yelled a familiar voice. Please don't let it be him,please don't let it be him. Y/N told herself as she turned around.

"What happened Mr.Malfoy?" Professor McGonogall asked Draco.  "Potter and his friends, they're outside!" Draco yelled. Y/N rolled her eyes at him. "Okay give me a moment, Y/N watch Mr.Malfoy, while I go see." Professor McGonogall commanded as Y/N nodded.

Y/N continued stamping the wax seal to the letters, choosing to ignore Draco who was next to her. "What's that?" Draco asked. "It's a wax seal, I'm helping McGonogall on her letters." Y/N answered.

Draco started to laugh as he looked at the door. "Hahaha, You got detention." Draco teased as he laughed. Y/N rolled her eyes as she continued, she didn't have the energy to bicker with him today.

Draco stayed quiet till Professor McGonogall came in with Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

McGonogall lectured all 3 of them, But Y/N wasn't paying attention she was rather sleepy and was trying to finish as fast as possible. She imagined her bed with green blankets, next to the window.

"50 points!?" Y/N heard Harry scream, making her zone in back to reality. "Each." McGonogall told them, All 3 of them gasped. Draco started to quietly laugh.

"You 4 will be having detention tomorrow in the Forbidden Forest." McGonogall said. Draco looked up. "Professor I think I heard you wrong, I heard 4." Draco questioned.

"No Malfoy, You heard me right. You too." McGonogall answered as she wrote their names down. Y/N grinned at Draco, "Oh shut up Y/N." Draco told her as he sat back.

"Professor filch will see you 4 tomorrow, Y/N your dismissed Thank you for the help." Y/N nodded and walked away as quick as she could.

Y/N and Draco headed to the dungeons, as they walked to their common room. "Why would you do that?" She asked Draco. He looked at her, "Do what?" You got them in trouble." Y•N replied.

"Yeah and? They deserved it." Draco told her while taking his robe off. "They really didn't." Y/N told him still very disappointed . "Oh Y/N, if I were you I'd be happy I didn't drag you into this." Draco said as they reached the common room.

The doors waited for the password."Pure-Blood." Both of them spoke as the doors opened. "Do us all a favor and, Learn how to close that mouth of yours, Malfoy." Y/N said walking into the girls dormitories.

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