YEAR 1•7

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"Have you read the newspaper Y•N?" Pansy asked her. "No not recently why?" Y/N answered while taking a bite from her Fudge. "A vault was Broken into." Pansy told her looking very concerned.

"Is it normal here?" Y/N asked liking the fudge from her spoon. "No, Not really." Her friend responded. Both girls were quiet for a second till Y/N blurted out. "Are you excited for the Halloween feast?" Y/N asked. "Definitely, Halloween has to be one of my favorite holidays." Pansy smiled.

"Let's go and get ready. "Pansy spoke as both girls walked towards the common room.

Both girls put there robes on as well as there ties. The Halloween feast was well-decorated, Purple, orange and black covered the whole Hall. As well as pumpkins floating throughout the roof. Y/N looked at the Gryffindor table, Hermione was no-where to be seen, Y/N looked around yo see 

"Y•N what do you think of-" Pansy said but was cut off. Y•N heard someone screamed she turned around instantly and saw Professor Quirell. "TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS,THERES A TROLL IN THE DUNEGEONS." Professor Quirell screamed. "That's all you have to know." He said then fainted.

Everyone started screaming including Draco and Ron. "Silence!" Y•N heard Professor dumbledore say. "Prefects take the students to the common rooms, Professors will handle it." Y•N and Pansy got up and followed there house Prefect.

"Do you actually think a troll came here?" Pansy whispered to Y•N. "I'm new to this Magic School Pansy I'm not sure." Y•N told Pansy. "Oh right." Pansy answered.

"Pure-Blood." The prefect said as the door opened. Y•N and Pansy sat down and Draco,Crabbe and Goyle sat the opposite side."well that was a feast." Y•N said then rubbed her eyes. "Welcome Y•N to a magic school, Many more encounters to come." Draco said and laughed. "At least I didn't laugh like the opposite gender." Y•N said and Pansy giggled. Draco rolled his eyes and went to Male dorms.

"Well let's go to sleep, Thank god we weren't killed!" Pansy said, "yeah." Y•N said.

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