A Quick Forward

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For the sake of clarification, in this story, the following are considered true:

The events of Hogwarts Legacy take place in the fall of 1890 to the spring of 1891

(This subsequently means that the main character was born in approx. 1875, their sixth year would be 1891-1892 and their seventh year would be 1892-1893)

To be time period accurate (somewhat) and give the main character a name, we will say she is named Elizabeth, the second most popular name in England and Wales in the 1870s, apparently (The first being "Mary" but I prefer Elizabeth). Nicknames may be used.

The main character will be a Ravenclaw, because what more dangerous combination is there than a Ravenclaw and a Slytherin?

We shall also assume that the main character is an orphan as there is no mention of parents in the game.

Regarding the Dark Arts quests with Sebastian, we will assume the main character did the most Ravenclaw option possible - learned the curses, despite never planning to use them.

(AGAIN, SPOILERS AHEAD) This story begins after the main quest is completed, and we'll assume that you did not turn Sebastian in, and that you achieved the "Good" ending (as I have no idea what powers the "Bad" ending would give you)


Book 1
Summer: Chapter 1 - 8
6th Year: Chapter 9 - 45

Book 2
Summer: Chapter 46 - 55
7th Year: Chapter 56 - [Ongoing]

Also, as a fun game: There is a song title hidden within each chapter of Book 1

All are by the same artist/group, which I won't reveal, but it is possible to figure out who without recognizing the songs themselves:
I both hid the name of the artist/group ~somewhere~ towards the beginning of the book, and included a hint within this list of hints! However, neither are likely to help if you are unfamiliar with the artist/group, but there is still one way to figure it out if you snoop enough ;)

Two song titles do not occur within the text of the narration
Two song titles are slightly altered as to not be too obvious (Though, one of these was still the first found!)
Four song titles are spelled correctly, but are technically typos (That said, there are certainly real typos as well)
Three song titles are paired with a brief line from the song (To confound this, there are three lines from other songs as well, because I changed my mind on which song and was too lazy to remove them)

Chapter 39 does not contain a song title because of skippable content
The song titles also occur only ONCE within Book 1, so if you see something that IS a song title by that artist/group, but it appears in multiple locations, it's not THE song title

HAVE FUN! Stay engaged, and let me know if you find any!

Also posted on AO3 (Go there if you want additional Author's notes)

And I'll just throw out there that I love comments - I really enjoy seeing what people are thinking as they read!

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