Chapter 15 - After Hours

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Sebastian snuck out of the Slytherin common room while Ominis was working on his History of Magic homework. Ominis had a feeling that he knew exactly where Sebastian had gone - to the restricted section. Sebastian had been thoroughly too excited by this Galdric fellow lately, and had been insisting that Madam Scribner had lied - that there were books written by Galdric in the restricted section. When Ominis finally noticed his friend was missing, he decided to take a walk and look for him - they still had half an hour to curfew. Ominis knew Sebastian would be hiding away somewhere, waiting for his moment to slip into the library.

The halls were mostly empty this late in the evening. If he hadn't been focusing so hard on his wand, trying to locate Sebastian, Ominis might have heard the person running up behind him. But he didn't. Someone slammed into him full tilt, grabbing desperately at his robes.

"What in Merlin's name - What do you think you're doing?" Ominis spluttered, swatting at the grabbing hands. "I'll be speaking to the headmaster about -"

"Ominis it's me - I need help."

He recognized the voice at once - Elizabeth. He could feel her hands shaking as they held onto his sleeve. Something was very wrong. Ominis tensed.

"What is it?"

"Not here, not here... somewhere safe. I - I don't know -"

Ominis reached out for her shoulder. Her whole body seemed to be trembling.

"The Undercroft?" he asked.

She was off, dragging him towards the Undercroft. Luckily they weren't too far away. As they crossed the Transfiguration courtyard, Ominis felt her hesitate.

"Elizabeth, what's going on?" Ominis asked, his voice low and urgent.

"Not here."

She darted across the courtyard, nearly yanking his arm out of its socket as she took his sleeve with her. He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the Undercroft opening. He didn't know what was going on, but Elizabeth's behavior was unnerving him.

Once inside, he asked, "Now can you tell me what's going on?"

Elizabeth took a deep breath before answering, "Someone knows what I've done."

"What do you mean? What have you done?" Ominis asked, confused.

Elizabeth had done a lot of things that were noteworthy, but none he knew of would warrant this level of panic if they were found out.

"I don't want to say," Elizabeth said, and he could hear her pacing. "But it's bad, Ominis. It's truly awful."

Ominis could feel the weight of her words settling heavily on his shoulders. He didn't like that answer.

"You can tell me, Elizabeth. I want to help, but I need to know what's going on."

"I can't tell you. I can't tell you. I don't want you to know."

She was fidgeting and jittery and it was setting him on edge. Ominis put a hand to his head and turned away from her to think for a moment. He knew she was panicking, but he didn't know what to do. She wanted help, but wouldn't say what was wrong. Behind him, he heard her continue to pace, talking quietly to herself. Had something happened between her and Andrew? No - Ominis didn't think that anything in that vein would have elicited panic. This was more like the fireworks. Had she been scared? Had someone attacked her?

"Why couldn't I have found Sebastian?"

She said it quietly, to herself, but it cut into his thoughts like a hot knife and seared straight through his heart. He felt as though he had been turned to stone. It was a long moment before he remembered to breathe again. Ominis shook his head, trying to clear away the thoughts and feelings buzzing around it. She needed him.

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