Chapter 88 - Arrival

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Sebastian stared as the air distorted, a town appearing only yards away. How had he not seen any indication of the magic? How had he not felt it? It was certainly a powerful charm that had been used to conceal it, and he marveled. Like the coastal towns, the houses were close together and mostly white, with a few painted bright colors here and there. Unlike the muggle buildings, however, there were clear signs of magic. Flowers bloomed in baskets under windows, despite the cold and snow, and glowing orbs floated lazily down the streets in place of lamps. Holly wreaths adorned doors, ready for the holidays, and Sebastian thought he saw a carved wooden bird on one shifting, settling itself more comfortably. The streets were mostly empty, a hush over the town, but then, it was late.

"Welcome to Isvik," Andrew said with an irritatingly smug grin. "We're headed just up there."

The streets had been swept clear of snow, and Sebastian was reminded of Hogsmeade as they passed between shops. Part of him wanted to be wary, concerned that he was allowing Andrew Larson to lead him anywhere - a feeling that had dogged him all day - but no one else seemed worried. Sebastian also felt an odd weight settling inside him that only seemed to grow heavier with each step. He was really here, in Isvik. Could he really be so close to the Elder wand? To a cure of Anne? When would this go wrong and come crashing down around his ears?

Andrew led them through the streets, Elizabeth and Aria whispered to each other, pointing out this or that. Ominis had tentatively drawn his wand, now that they were in a wizarding area, and walked next to Sebastian. They hiked up the gradual slope of a hill, then turned down a path that headed to a large yellow house with an odd, silver-leaved tree in the yard. Andrew knocked on the door, and Sebastian watched the tree, which seemed to sway gently, despite the lack of wind. Before he could ponder it further, the door creaked open, revealing a tall elderly woman with grey hair and kind brown eyes that lit up when she saw them.

"Andrew! Det er hyggelig å se deg igjen!" She exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug as they exchanged a few more words Sebastian didn't understand, before she released him and beamed around at the rest of them. "Hello and welcome, please come in."

The woman's accent was heavy, slurring the words together, making them nearly melodic. As they were shepherded inside, warmth washed over them. The interior of the house was cozy and inviting, with a crackling fire in the hearth and the faint aroma of food in the air. They kicked off their snow-laden shoes in the entryway, and Sebastian scanned the living area they had walked into. There was a middle aged couple, three teenage girls, and a young boy already occupying places on the couches - all blonde, like Andrew. Sebastian smiled politely around as he swung his cloak off his shoulders. The eldest girl smiled back, and Sebastian idly thought that she was quite pretty - for a relative of Larson's.

"Alright, introductions," Andrew said, sounding awkward as he scanned everyone's faces, then he gestured first to the elderly woman. "This is my Great Aunt Marita," then he gestured to the middle aged couple. "My cousin Henrik and his wife Signe." Then he gestured to the eldest girl and the youngest girl as he named them, respectively. "And their children, Maren and Helene."

Then, turning to his family, he introduced Sebastian, Ominis, Aria, and Elizabeth in clumsy Norwegian - Sebastian only knew this as he caught their names. Andrew hesitated before mentioning Ominis' last name, and Sebastian saw the ripple of unease in the room when the name Gaunt was spoken. He began to wonder how the Gaunts were so widely known, but then he recalled Silas Larson's history with the family. Ominis, drawing on manners Sebastian didn't know he had, performed a small bow to Marita, pressing a polite kiss to her knuckles.

He also didn't fail to notice that Andrew neglected to introduce one of the girls, and the young boy. This mystery was solved when the eldest girl, Maren, spoke up, her English much better than Marita's.

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