Chapter 106: One

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Andrew learned the truth about Sebastian's Uncle's death, and his and Elizabeth's involvement with the Rookwood Gang. However, Sebastian twisted his story to make himself appear more of a victim in an effort to sway Andrew to his side, though he did not entirely deviate from the truth. Andrew went to his father afterwards and lied, saying that Sebastian's established cover stories were true. However, amid the tension the following day, a potion was spill that resulted in an unfortunate and brief romance blossoming between the two.
Aside from Sebastian and Andrew's drama, Elizabeth and Ominis struggle with their relationship now that they must hide it. Mason caught up with Elizabeth and invited her to a Quidditch match in Hogsmeade.
Additionally, Mary's birthday is soon! And Lucan promised that the next Crossed Wands match is on the horizon.


"Listen to this," Elizabeth said, then she read aloud, "'Renowned for his cunning intellect, Salazar Slytherin's mastery extended beyond conventional magical arts, delving into the realm of Legilimency with unparalleled skill. As a Legilimens, Slytherin possessed the rare natural ability to delve into the minds of others. This innate talent not only contributed to his reputation as one of the greatest wizards of his age but also solidified his status as a formidable force to be reckoned with. Slytherin's descendants, heirs to his prodigious legacy, are said to inherit his innate gift for Legilimency. Indeed, the heirs of Slytherin have long been associated with the art of Legilimency. . . ' - I don't know why you think you'll be so bad at it."

They were in the library during their free periods Tuesday afternoon, trying to get through the essay on the history of Legilimency Professor Hecat had assigned. Ominis, whose quill had paused over his parchment while she spoke, sighed and set it aside to pull over one of the many textbooks piled around them. He rifled through, counting pages until he tapped one paragraph with his wand and let it read out:

'The significance of eye contact in Legilimency cannot be overstated, as it serves as a conduit through which the practitioner establishes a connection with their target's mind. When the eyes of the Legilimens meet those of their subject, the exchange of magical energy facilitates the penetration of thoughts, emotions, and memories with greater ease and clarity. This direct visual link enhances the Legilimens' ability to discern the deepest recesses of the target's psyche. Thus, the connection between eye contact and Legilimency is invaluable to the successful practice of this ancient and formidable branch of magic.'

Ominis broke the spell to stop the reading.

"The eye contact," Ominis said, sounding rather resigned. "I can't see and therefore cannot make eye contact in the way necessary to perform Legilimency."

Elizabeth pulled over the book Ominis had just had read. She frowned, scanning over the words.

"I don't know... it sounds like eye contact is incredibly useful," she said slowly, "But it doesn't specifically say it's required."

Ominis shrugged and turned back to his parchment.

"Either way, I doubt I'd be able to do it," he said, "Even if I wanted to."

Elizabeth tried to turn her attention back to her essay. She scrawled a few more lines on Salazar Slytherin, the words of each sentence sticking more and more as her mind continued to pick over the passage Ominis had found.

"Are you really not the least bit curious?" Elizabeth asked suddenly, breaking the silence between them again.

Ominis' quill paused again, and a fond smile spread across his face.

"My dear Ravenclaw," he said, amusement hanging from every word. "Some of us are capable of existing without knowing absolutely everything."

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