Chapter 41 - Waking Delusions

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Sebastian had to apparate outside the school grounds, appearing near the front gate. It was Merlin-knew-what time in the morning, and the grounds appeared deserted. As Sebastian strode towards the school, he tried to keep from jostling Lizzie too much while still making haste. He debated where to take her. The nurse? Too many questions and too far - he needed to hurry. The Undercroft? Also too far, and too cold. Besides, there wasn't anywhere comfortable to put her. He settled on taking her to the Slytherin dorms as he reached the front doors and slipped inside. The door to the dungeons was right there in the entrance hall and he let his feet find their way down to the blank stretch of wall. He was glad of the short trip, his arms were beginning to tire from carrying Lizzie - the night had taken its toll on him as well.

As the door slid closed behind him, Sebastian saw two figures still awake in the common room. Aria and Ominis both turned as he entered, and Aria gasped.

"Bloody hell," Aria said, sounding horrified. "What happened? Is she...?"

"Who is it?" Ominis asked.

"Why is she here?" Sebastian snapped at Ominis, before he shook his head. "Nevermind, you two watch Lizzie, I have to go back for Mary."

As gently as his trembling arms could manage, Sebastian lowered Lizzie onto a couch. Looking at her in the light of the common room, compared to the darkness of that place, she looked so much worse. She was pale as a ghost, her hair tangled and matted with blood and sweat. Her robes were ripped, singed, and stained, the skin underneath blooming with bruises where veins had given way under the strain of the Cruciatus Curse. And above all, she was drenched in blood. Some of it hers, from her own countless scraps and gashes, but much of it was others'. Gently, Sebastian brushed a strand of tangled hair away from her face, his touch tender. Half of him wanted to stay there with her, to make sure she was okay, but the other half was jittery, and the urgency of retrieving Mary nagging at him.

"I have some essence of dittany in my room," Aria said, nearly as pale as Lizzie as she hurried off towards the girls' stairs. "I'll be right back."

Sebastian was already turning to head back out of the common room when Ominis caught his arm, stopping him.

"What happened?" Ominis asked angrily. "You two reek of blood. Is Elizabeth okay? Is she unconscious?"

"Later," Sebastian snapped, tugging his arm free. "I have to go back for Mary before something else happens - unless you want this whole night have been pointless."

"At least tell me what happened, what she needs. You don't get to just -"

Suddenly, the thought of Ominis touching Lizzie, even to heal her wounds, reignited that fierce possessiveness within Sebastian. He turned back to face Ominis, blazing with anger.

"You don't get to touch her," Sebastian's voice was low and dangerous. "Not anymore. She's mine, and I won't allow anyone else to lay a hand on her."

Ominis was clearly taken aback by the intensity in Sebastian's tone, and by his statement.

"What the hell Sebastian?" he snapped back, voice laced with confusion. "Have you gone insane? If she's injured, we should get her to the hospital wing."

"No," Sebastian growled. "I have to go get Mary, and while I'm gone, you will not touch her. And if she wakes, stun her again."


"Ominis, I don't have time for this."

Ominis started to protest again, but Sebastian whipped around, drawing his wand and digging it into his friend's chest, right over his heart. Ominis froze.

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