Chapter 96: A Return

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Previously:Gregorovitch agreed to help in exchange for what the trio offered. It was New Years' and people for their fortunes told by one Cassandra Trelawney. Everyone bonded, in general. Ominis is not looking forward to returning to Hogwarts. Aria kissed Elizabeth when Ominis didn't (she did have a bit to drink).I'm back! Sorry for the delay - it was partly life (work, health), and partly that... this was just a difficult chapter to write.


The girls kicked them out of the attic to get ready for bed, as per usual, and Ominis? Ominis kicked himself. He should have kissed her, he shouldn't have hesitated - curse that Seer, she'd been right. As they waited at the bottom of the stairs, Sebastian excused himself to use the washroom. Even after he left, Ominis could still smell the faint bready odor of the beer he and Andrew had both had earlier. Ominis knocked his head back against the wall and sighed, wondering when he might make up for this error in judgment. Should he wait for some significant moment? Or just whenever felt right?

Andrew cleared his throat and asked, "Ominis?"


Ominis angled his head towards Andrew's general direction, leaving his wand stuck in his pocket. Andrew sounded a touch apprehensive, but Ominis was still rather absorbed in his own thoughts.

"So, er, I didn't want to say anything in front of the others, but..." Andrew said, sounding simultaneously determined and reluctant, a curious mix that finally caught Ominis' attention. "Last I knew, you and Grace were engaged, and you'd said you'd figured things out with her. But, earlier, you and Elizabeth were... acting rather close."

"I don't see how that's any of your business," Ominis said, the retort snapping out before he'd really had a chance to think it through.

There was a moment of silence before Andrew began in a low, edged voice, "Elizabeth and Grace are both my friends, as are you, and I -"

Ominis waved Andrew into silence, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Ominis said with a sigh, running his hand through his hair. "I shouldn't have... I understand where you're coming from. Listen, Grace and I have - well, she gave me her blessing to pursue Elizabeth, but she and I are still... still to be married. Please, keep this between us - I can't have it getting back to my father."

He heard the floor creak as Andrew shifted, followed by a short, dry chuckle.

"So, she's to be your mistress? Ominis, seriously?" Andrew asked, the edge in his voice turning cold, which Ominis found utterly disconcerting. "You're better than that."

Andrew's words cut deep, and Ominis struggled to find words to respond. A mistress? Guilt washed over him, as he realized... Andrew wasn't wrong. But the situation... Ominis scrambled, trying to order his thoughts. His stomach felt like it was sinking into his shoes.

"I... I didn't mean... I never thought of it that way," Ominis stammered. "Not... not in those terms. It's not like that."

"But that is what it is," Andrew said, not letting up. "Ominis, you're a good person. You're kind, loyal, and thoughtful. I've always admired that about you. But this... It's hard to reconcile who I thought you were with what you're doing now."

Ominis' lips parted half in shock and half in protest. What more could he say to explain all this any further without spilling Grace's secrets? Or his own, for that matter - how his father was holding Anne's life over his head.

"I - please, Andrew," Ominis said, voice tight. "Just ask Elizabeth yourself, I promise... And when we get back, Grace can -"

"I certainly will speak with them both," Andrew said sharply, cutting him off. "But I do have one question for you - similar to the one you asked me. Do you truly have feelings for Elizabeth? And what of Grace?"

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