Chapter 4 - Nighttime Talks and Noon Discussions

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Elizabeth tumbled out of the Sallow home fire accompanied by a puff of ash. Sebastian, who had gone through first, helped her to her feet as she dusted herself off. Together they hauled her trunk out of the coals.

"You've got a smudge on your face," Elizabeth told Sebastian, pointing to the spot on her own cheek.

He reached up, rubbing at it with his sleeve. It was odd to see a middle aged man do such a childish thing.

"Thanks," he said, "I don't know how you're so comfortable with Floo travel, it always makes me sick."

He did look kind of pale. Elizabeth shrugged.

"I did it a lot last year. You get used to it."

Just then, a green fire roared up in the grate, and Ominis staggered out. Sebastian and Elizabeth both reached out to steady him. Ominis shrugged them both off.

"I've got it, I've got it," he said.

"Right," said Sebastian, who was still trying to dust Ominis off despite his protests, "Now that we're all here, how about we reverse this aging potion. I can't say I fancy being old for much longer."

"Please," said Ominis, batting Sebastian's hands away, successfully this time.

Sebastian produced two small vials, handing one to Ominis. Together, they drank the lime green liquid inside. Immediately, they began to shrink. Losing height and hair, they regressed to their proper ages. Though, they didn't look quite as Elizabeth had expected - in the month they'd been apart, both boys had grown. Sebastian was taller than Ominis now, and starting to fill out, though with a leaner build than his uncle. Ominis had also grown, though less than Sebastian, and more slender and refined.

"I thought the aging potion was temporary?" Elizabeth asked.

"It is," said Sebastian, grimacing, "But the less time I have to feel my bones aching and groaning, the better."

Ominis nodded in agreement and Elizabeth snorted.

"Fair enough, I guess," she said, "And, I don't think I said this before, but thank you... for coming to get me."

"Of course," said Sebastian, "Ominis wouldn't shut up for worrying about you."

Ominis, looking mortified, said, "That's not - you wanted to go get her too!"

Elizabeth smiled and rolled her eyes. She looked around the room while they bickered. It was much the same as she remembered, the table in front of the fireplace, the small kitchen, and the sectioned off potion area. Though no Anne, of course. Elizabeth had only met her a few times, but she'd liked Anne well enough. She felt a deep ache, thinking what Sebastian, Anne, and Ominis were all going through.

Once they'd shuffled Elizabeth's trunk to an out-of-the-way corner, Elizabeth stepped out while the boys changed back into their wizard's robes. As she left the shadow of the building and the warmth of the sun slid over her, Elizabeth took a deep breath of countryside air. There was nothing else like it - she felt like she had finally come home. The lush green countryside spread out around her, so different from the unending stone streets of London.

The town itself was flooded with color in a way she had not yet seen. Before, much of the town had had a rather overgrown feel. The townspeople had clearly been working hard to return the town to a more kempt state - weeds had been tamed, paths swept clear, stone walls scrubbed to a shine, and flowers blooming in previously empty flower beds. Beyond this, as Sebastian had alluded to in his letters, they were preparing for a festival. Colorful garlands stretched between buildings, golden bubbles floated lazily on the breeze, and the dueling dummies wore party hats, among other preparations.

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