Chapter 72 - Enchantments

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Elizabeth walked out of the Great Hall after lunch on Saturday to find Aria talking with Ominis and Sebastian. Aria greeted her with a grin as she joined them.

"Don't worry," Aria said, "These two are not coming with us. Though I was just trying to convince them to join us for dinner and a drink at the Three Broomsticks afterwards."

"Oh!" Elizabeth said in surprise, looking at the boys. "That sounds fun, if you two aren't busy?"

Sebastian, she noticed, looked marginally better than he had throughout the week, and Elizabeth hoped he had had the chance for some sleep. The dark circles under his eyes were less prominent, and some of the color seemed to have returned to him, but his hair was still unkempt, which was complimented with a general air of weariness. She hadn't found a chance to speak with him about whatever it had been that had sent him running off after Crossed Wands, but perhaps, if they joined them that evening...

Ominis shrugged. "I'm perfectly fine with that."

"Will you really be out shopping for that long?" Sebastian asked, frowning. "Until dinner?"

"Yes, we will," Aria said brusquely, "We have three sets of robes to pick out and get fitted, at least."

Sebastian hesitated, and Elizabeth saw his tired eyes flick to her before he sighed. "Okay, I'll be there. If I have time."

"Fantastic," Aria said, clapping her hands together. "Ominis - tell Andrew to come too."

"Aria -" Ominis began to protest, and Elizabeth looked at him quizzically.

"Ominis," Aria mimicked his tone of voice, then rolled her eyes. "Look, it's not for me - he still hasn't asked Adelaide to the dance, so just make sure he comes so he can have his chance."

Ominis, looking skeptical, said, "I'll offer him an invite, but I'm not making him come."

"Good enough, I suppose," Aria said, her smile sliding back onto her face. "Now, you two get off to lunch - I see our missing girls coming."

Once more, Ominis surprised Elizabeth - this time by turning directly towards where Grace and Adelaide were descending the marble staircase into the entrance hall. Grace and Ominis exchanged brief pleasantries, then Ominis and Sebastian headed into the Great Hall. Sebastian glanced back at Elizabeth and for a moment she was torn, wanting to give him a wave or parting smile, but knowing she shouldn't. The moment passed, however, and Aria shepherded them out of the doors onto the grounds. It was a brisk day, the leaves turning bright colors in earnest now. A breeze made Elizabeth glad she'd brought her cloak - the green one Ominis had given her - even if it was a bit warm in the sunlight.

"So," Aria said as they walked together down the path. "What's the theme this year?"

Elizabeth looked around at this, unsure herself as she had been in the hospital wing when it would have been announced.

"Enchantments," Adelaide said, "Professor Weasley said we could modify or add to our or our robes' appearances with magic."

Aria cocked a smile at that. "Clever lady, she is. Getting you all to practice your magic without even knowing it."

"So, what exactly does that mean?" Elizabeth asked, looking between Adelaide and Grace.

However, it was Grace who answered. "She suggested the Color Change Charms for hair, or a Bird-Conjuring Charm and having them follow you. Things like that."

Elizabeth contemplated this, trying to call to memory anything spells like that. Somehow, most of her spells revolved around combat.

"Hmm, you know," Aria said musingly, "There's a fun little hex that makes you sprout antlers..."

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