Chapter 55 - Lost and Found

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After much debate, Sebastian decided to help Mr. Marsh weed his potatoes instead of attending the dinner party. Once that was settled, there was much argument on Elizabeth attending - she wanted to go, but Sebastian insisted that it was a bad idea. In the end, Sebastian got his way when Elizabeth had a headache come on early in the afternoon and crawled into bed, requesting to be left alone. So, Ominis went alone.

As he apparated to the location specified, he couldn't deny that he was nervous. Part of it was that ever-present fear he'd fail at apparating and hurt himself or someone else, but the other part of it was, like Sebastian, he was wary of entering the home of an Auror. His family had never been on the best terms with the law, to put it lightly, and Ominis could tell Silas Larson had harbored the same suspicions that so many others held, simply because of his name. Ominis staggered slightly as he materialized, trying to get his bearings.

"Ominis!" He recognized the voice as Andrew's. "Glad you made it."

Ominis turned towards him and said, "Ah, Andrew - Happy birthday."

He seemed to be on the front lawn of a large house, Andrew leaning against a pillar on the porch. Relying on his wand, Ominis made his way up.

"They've really got you stuck out here greeting guests?" Ominis asked wryly, "On your birthday?"

Andrew laughed. "Partly, but mostly I was waiting to make sure you found the place alright - and without any splinching."

Ominis winced. "I've improved since the apparition course, I'll have you know."

"So I can see," Andrew said, still chuckling. "Hey, before we head in - can we talk for a moment? It's been a while."

Ominis hesitated, recalling the last time he and Andrew had really interacted - that day of the crossed wands duel, when Ominis had let Andrew walk away from him and Elizabeth, angry and upset. Admittedly, that hadn't been Ominis' most selfless moment.

"Of course," Ominis said, "I'm... sorry. About everything last term."

"It's all in the past," Andrew said, taking a deep breath. "I wanted to apologize for the way I acted - it... took me a while to come to terms with Elizabeth breaking things off. How is she, by the way? Father said she was, er, staying with you."

Ominis paused, wondering how much weight there was to Andrew's question.

"She's... alright," Ominis said slowly, "She did want to come, but she's been getting headaches lately. Been laid up half the day."

"Nothing to do with Sallow, then?" Andrew asked.

Ominis shook his head. "No, Sebastian is working tonight. He's been helping out an elderly neighbor of ours."

"How... charitable of him," Andrew said, an odd edge to his voice. "I just can't believe she's with him after everything he did." It was Andrew's turn to hesitate for a moment. "Is she? Really?"

Ominis shrugged and said, "Sebastian was there for Elizabeth during a... rough time. She wants to be with him, and that's her choice."

Andrew sighed, seeming to struggle for words. However, there was a crack as someone else apparated onto the lawn. Ominis' wand indicated that two figures had appeared.

"Ah, Mason, you made it," Andrew said, "And... Aria. Nice to see you as well."

Ominis turned towards Mason and Aria as they approached, surprised that they were here.

"Hello, Larson," Aria said, "I was just dropping off Mason, but... I didn't realize the Ominis Gaunt would be here."

Ominis rolled his eyes. "It's wonderful to see you again, Aria."

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