Chapter 21 - Familiar Faces

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Sebastian was going to kill him. He would tear him limb from limb. He would have his head on a stick. Sebastian wouldn't rest until Larson's life had been completely erased from the halls of Hogwarts. How dare he. How dare he kiss her.

Sebastian had let himself be distracted with that other girl, had let himself be so preoccupied with the pain of Lizzie's rejection, that he hadn't seen her sneak out of the hall mid-song. With Larson. When the song had ended and Sebastian had looked around for her, he'd cursed himself. He'd run outside, locating them just in time to see Larson kiss her. And now, Sebastian was seeing red, a fire roaring inside him burning away all rational thought. He could feel his nails digging painfully into his palms.

"-stion? Sebastian." Some grabbed his arm, hard. "Sebastian."

"What?" Sebastian snarled as he spun towards Ominis.

"Sebastian, you need to calm down," Ominis said, not letting go of him.

Sebastian's eyes snapped to Aria, who stood a few paces back. She shrugged carelessly. Snitch. She must have told Ominis when Sebastian had left the hall.

"I'm going to kill him - He kissed her," Sebastian said.

"Yes, that's what happens when people date," Ominis said before leaning in to whisper in Sebastian's ear, "If you hurt him, I will report you this time."

Sebastian ground his teeth.

"Then what do you want me to do," Sebastian said.

"Nothing, Sebastian," Ominis said, "Do nothing."

"You want me to do nothing when he -"

"Look at her face," Ominis interrupted, a tension to his voice. "And tell me - does she look happy?"

Sebastian paused, staring at Ominis.

"Sebastian," Ominis said, "Does she look happy?"

Sebastian finally turned back to the couple. Merlin she was beautiful tonight. His eyes traced the graceful curves of her, before he looked at her face. His heart stuttered - she looked radiant. Lizzie was smiling more than he'd ever seen, beaming at Larson.


"Yes, she looked happy?"


"Then do nothing. Let her be happy."

There was a certain amount of sadness in Ominis' voice that Sebastian barely registered. Sebastian watched Lizzie a moment longer, the moonlight traced down the scar on her cheek - the one from the Cruciatus curse he'd cast on her last year.

"I won't do anything," Sebastian finally said, gritting his teeth. "But I won't let her go. I've tolerated him this long only because I didn't think..."

"Sebastian," Ominis said, a clear note of warning in his voice. "I told you once before not to let your jealousy consume you, and now I'm telling you again. You'll only push her away."

Sebastian scoffed. "I doubt that."


"Oh stop, Ominis," Sebastian snapped, "She can have her night and I'll have mine. Aria?"

Sebastian held out a hand to Aria, ready to leave this nonsense behind. But she didn't take it as she usually did. Instead, looking utterly disdainful, she folded her arms.


"Aria, I swear -"


Sebastian felt his patience snap. He glared at her, and she met his gaze, eyes cold. A surge of anger swept over him. He turned abruptly and stalked away from them - all of them. Why was everyone always against him? Lizzie had been the only person to stand by his side last year, and now even she... Sebastian ground his teeth together.

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