Chapter 49 - Beneath the Surface

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Sebastian felt his back stiffen as the man introduced himself. The realization that an auror, a real auror, stood in front of him made his hands shake. That bastard Larson had really run crying to his father.

"Ah, yes, good evening Officer Larson," Sebastian said, offering him a polite smile. "What can I do for you?"

The man's eyes had left Sebastian, flicking around the room behind him. He glanced to Lizzie, who was stowing her wand, then his eyes seemed to rest on Ominis, who still cradled the adder. Something akin to horror washed over Sebastian as he imagined the conclusions the auror might be drawing at this very moment.

" Mr. Larson, please," Silas said, shifting his attention back to Sebastian with a reassuring smile. "I'm not here on any official business. May I come in?"

Sebastian hesitated, hand still on the door.

"I apologize, Mr. Larson, but it is quite late," he said, trying to affect an air of contrition. "We were just about to retire for the evening."

Silas' smile remained, but there was an edge to his voice as he said, "I understand, Mr. Sallow. However, if required, I will return with the necessary documentation to pursue the matter I have come here to discuss. It may be best to address it promptly and... amicably."

Sebastian gritted his teeth at the threat, but he knew he needed to continue to play along. There was more at stake here than that fool Larson knew. Sebastian had always been able to charm the professors at school, even Sharp. Silas couldn't be much harder to win over, could he?

"Of course, sir," Sebastian said as he stepped aside. "Please come in."

Silas looked around once more as he stepped over the threshold.

"You must be the young Master Gaunt," he said deferentially to Ominis.

"Well spotted sir," Ominis said with a thinly veiled sneer. "I am indeed the family disappointment."

Sebastian could have throttled him. Silas seemed to tense at Ominis' remark, but before anything more could be said, Lizzie snickered. Sebastian glanced at her, and she smiled sheepishly, obviously having tried to prevent the laugh. Silas turned to her as well.

"My apologies," Lizzie said with a wry grin, then offered Silas a curtsy. "I am Elizabeth Smith."

There was a flicker of recognition in Silas' eyes, and a hint of intrigue crossed his features. He extended her a courteous nod, his curiosity apparent.

"Ah, Miss Smith," Silas said with a much kinder smile than before. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Andrew speaks very highly of you, and your reputation is known, even at the Ministry - The Savior of Hogwarts, correct?"

Lizzie's polite smile faltered at the last remark, and the mention of Larson made Sebastian grind his teeth again.

"So, Mr. Larson," Sebastian said pointedly. "What was the business that brought you here?"

"Right, yes," Silas said briskly, "First, I wanted to offer my condolences on Solomon's - your uncle's... unexpected death. I must say, the news took me quite by surprise. We didn't speak often after he retired, yet he was an invaluable help when I first began in the Auror department. I hope, at least, your sister is doing well?"

He glanced around once more, as if expecting to see Anne. Sebastian's heart felt like it would beat right out of his chest. The way he had hesitated - did Silas know? Did he suspect?

"Unfortunately, Anne has not improved," Sebastian said somberly, "She is currently residing at St. Mungo's."

"Oh, that is sad news," Silas said quietly. "I recall when you two were just little things. Solomon and I visited your parents once or twice back in those days... So, then, is it just you here now?"

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