Chapter 73 - A Rocky Road

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As he pushed through the doors onto the street, Andrew caught sight of Adelaide hurrying up the street, towards the square. He held onto the doorway for a moment, his head spinning more than he had anticipated. Grace, who had followed him from the table, gave him a gentle shove to get moving.

"Did you see where she went?" Grace asked, eyes darting around the road.

"Yeah, up the street," Andrew said slowly.

She gave him that skeptical, wary glance she often did, then started off the way Adelaide had gone. The night air was crisp, invigorating, and cleared his head somewhat. He felt anger simmering in his stomach, kicking himself for not keeping a closer eye on Sallow. Of course he hadn't changed, in fact, the moping around was probably an act. He had heard that Elizabeth had broken up with Sallow, which, honestly, somehow made him more nervous, as he had no idea what Sallow would do next. Kiss poor Adelaide, apparently. Ahead of him, Grace paused, taking two steps back and looking down an alley.

"Addie?" She called.

He heard an indistinct reply, and Grace hurried into the space between the buildings. Andrew had a sudden, horrible recollection of that last time he'd been in a Hogsmeade alley because of Sallow - the night Sallow had been put under the Imperius curse. So, he followed Grace. Adelaide was sitting on a stone step, face buried in her hands.Grace was crouching next to her, one hand on her shoulder.

"Adelaide, are you okay?" Andrew asked, crouching down as well. "I knew Sallow was a prick, but I never thought..."

Adelaide glanced up at, shaking her head. Though it was dark, barely any moon overhead, Andrew could still make out the flush on her cheeks and the gleam of wetness in her eyes.

"Don't blame him," she said, "I... just wanted...I kissed him."

As she buried her face in her arms again, Andrew frowned, taking a moment to make sense of her nearly jumbled words. He'd assumed Sallow's shock had been from her leaving, but perhaps not... Before he could ask any further questions, Grace whispered something to Adelaide, who shook her head.

Grace looked up at Andrew and said, "Thank you for your concern, but... If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to Addie alone."

Andrew hesitated - it felt wrong to leave them on their own, but he also knew they were both perfectly capable witches, so he nodded and stood. As he stepped back out of the alley, he paused. What if Adelaide had been lying? Protecting Sallow for some reason? With a rather sick feeling in his chest he leaned against the building, out of their line of sight, and listened.

"Did you really kiss him, Addie?" Grace asked, sounding disbelieving, then, after a pause, she asked, "Why?"

Andrew felt guilt crawling over his skin like a physical thing. It was wrong to be eavesdropping on his friends like this, but he just had to make sure. He heard Adelaide sniffle, drawing in a shuddering breath.

"I don't know," Adelaide said, her words slurred together, though if from drink or emotion, he couldn't tell. "I just... I feel... I thought if I - I made myself, I'd feel... something. But I couldn't, Grace."

Her voice broke on Grace's name and she dissolved back into tears. He could hear Grace whispering words of comfort, and he tipped his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. He shouldn't be listening to this. Hadn't he heard enough from just that? It didn't sound like she'd been lying about Sallow. So he could just go. He should just go.

"I don't... understand it, but...I...I think I..."

Adelaide continued talking, but Andrew ripped himself away from the wall, heading back towards the Three Broomsticks, his heart pounding in his chest, guilt making him sick to his stomach. What was he becoming? He had crossed a line, purposely invaded the privacy of his friends, and listened in on a vulnerable moment without their consent. Was doing what his father wanted worth it? Was he really willing to compromise his integrity and betray his friends for this? He paused, leaning against one of the empty tables outside the pub and scrubbing at his face with one hand. Guilt wracked his body, a potent combination with the wine.

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