Chapter 8 - A Bit of Summer Fun

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The W.A.N.D. exams had been held in Hogwart's Great Hall, which Elizabeth was thankful for. The tests had been almost more draining than the actual O.W.L.s, but that may have just been the additional stress. The first day was Ancient Runes, and the second day was Arithmancy. When she had started studying, she'd thought Ancient Runes was easier, but the test had been rough. Some of the other students who were also taking the W.A.N.D. exams sounded as though they were staying at the castle or in Hogsmeade, but Elizabeth elected to fly back to Feldcroft for the night in between the exams. The boys had taken one look at her that evening and remained blissfully silent.

After her last test, the Arithmancy practical, Elizabeth felt free as a bird. She flew back to the Sallow home dangerously low, letting her feet brush across the treetops. When she landed next to the house, she spotted Ominis sitting sulkily on the circular wall in the center of the village, idly playing with a ring on his finger.

"Ominis," Elizabeth called out as she approached. "What's up? What are you doing out here?"

"Pining away for you, obviously," Ominis said.

His voice sounded rather hollow, with none of his usual snark behind the joke. Elizabeth sighed.

"Did you and Sebastian fight?" Elizabeth asked.

Ominis grimaced. "You know how he is."

"I do," Elizabeth said with a sigh. "Anything I can do to help?"

Ominis shook his head.

"I can deal with him, don't worry."

They were quiet for a minute, Elizabeth not sure what else to say. When her relief at finishing the exams bubbled back up, she clapped her hands together as she broke the silence.

"Well," she said, "Shall we head inside? I had an idea."

Ominis gave a noncommittal shrug, but slid off the wall. Elizabeth led the way inside, where she found Sebastian laying flat on his back on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

"What, have you been stunned?" Elizabeth said as she stepped around him.

Sebastian scrambled to his feet.

"Done with your exams?" he asked.

"No," Ominis said dryly. "She's still taking one, obviously. Can't you see she's writing?"

Sebastian scowled at him. Ominis either sensed this, or expected it, as he made a rude gesture in return.

"Knock it off, won't you?" Elizabeth said to them both. "Listen, once I get my results, I'll need to go purchase supplies at Diagon Alley - well, hopefully, at least. We should all go, it'll be fun. We could even catch up with Mary, you guys didn't get to properly meet her!"

For the briefest moment, Elizabeth thought she saw Ominis wrinkle his nose, but his face quickly smoothed out.

"Sure," Ominis said, "Sounds fun."

Sebastian looked less sure.

"I don't know Lizzie," Sebastian said, "Hanging out with muggles?"

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, I can't say my first impression of muggles was great," Sebastian said, "That muggle lady at the Orphanage was thoroughly unpleasant."

Elizabeth snorted. "Madam McLean? She's certainly something. But... are you saying she was the first muggle you've ever talked to?"

Sebastian shrugged sheepishly. "Well, I didn't exactly grow up around muggles, did I?"

Elizabeth shook her head exasperated. "Right, well, we'll have to meet Mary then. Perhaps I can see if Leander wants to meet us as well - he must be back from France by now."

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