Chapter 33 - The End of an Era?

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Thursday evening, Elizabeth met Ominis just outside the clocktower courtyard for Crossed Wands. Together, they shouldered their way through the crowd inside the tower, looking for Lucan.

"Hey Lucan," Elizabeth said when they located him. "Anyone else not show for tonight? Besides Sebastian."

"Ah, Elizabeth," Lucan said, grinning at her. "Glad you could make it. And, er, no. Everyone's paired up including you -"

"Is there any chance you could find someone to duel with Ominis?" Elizabeth asked, interrupting.

"What?" Ominis asked, his voice nearly cracking in surprise and indignation. "Ellie, you didn't say..."

Lucan cast an appraising eye over Ominis.

"I can probably find someone, it just won't be an official duel - is that alright?"

"No, I didn't agree -," Ominis protested.

"Yes, that would be perfect," Elizabeth said grinning as she clapped Ominis on the back, cutting him off. "Oh come on, Ominis, you're more than ready for most of these sops."

"I'm blind -"

"Don't try pulling that card now," Elizabeth said, sighing. "Anyways, Lucan, who am I dueling?"

Lucan grinned in a mischievous way that Elizabeth did not like. He pointed across the crowd, and Elizabeth followed his finger, her eyes landing on none other than Andrew, who was leaning against the far wall alone.

"Oh, Lucan, no," she said, horrified. "You know we just broke up - I'm not dueling him."

"But the drama - people will be talking about this duel for ages," he said, still grinning, then he waved his hand. "Besides, he requested it. And he held his own against Sallow in that bear pit last term - that's as close as we'll get to a match for you."

"I'll flatten him in a second," Elizabeth protested, reaching wildly for an excuse.

"Then we can do best two out of three," Lucan said, unrelenting.

Elizabeth glared at him, feeling anger bubbling up inside her. She couldn't believe he would do this to her. She supposed she could forfeit, but she liked dueling. Glancing back at Andrew, she felt a tug at her heart. His familiar features looked sharper in the torch light, and she could see dark circles under his eyes. She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders.

"Fine," she said, "I'll do it. But you owe me big time, Lucan."

"Excellent," he said, clapping his hands together. "Let me wrangle all the other duelists for tonight."

As Lucan bustled off, Ominis brushed a hand against her arm, getting her attention.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Ominis asked, his brow furrowed.

"I'm fine," Elizabeth said softly. "By the way, you don't actually have to duel if you don't want to. You are ready, though."

Ominis offered her a shaky smile.

"No, I'll duel. If you think I should, I will."

Elizabeth caught his hand and squeezed it. "It'll be different than dueling me, but I know you'll do well."

Lucan called for attention and listed off the order of the duels. When he was done and the tower was cleared for the first duel, Elizabeth and Ominis retreated further outside into the courtyard, where several of the duelists were warming up. Adelaide Oakes tracked them down after a little while.

"Hello Ominis," she said, smiling, "Lucan said you wanted an unofficial match?"

"Hello Adelaide," Ominis said, looking rather pale. "That's, er, right."

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