Chapter 100: Millstone

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Elizabeth, Ominis, Andrew, and Gregorovitch departed Galdric's tomb. Andrew recieved a letter from his father requesting a meeting, and he seemed to offer him only excuses (because, in the previous chapter, he overhead Elizabeth say to Ominis that, in a dream, Sebastian killed Ominis "like he did Solomon" (Cue gasp)). Gregorovitch departed on good terms, and the students returned to school, where Sebastian met them. Sebastian was in good spirits, Anne is doing well. They were interrupted by Garreth, and we learn Ominis kept his promise (essentially) to get Garreth into the "Potioneer Hall of Fame" (Which, for the record, was the song title referenced in that chapter). Albus popped up and gave Ominis some cookies, saying he had a good holiday and explored Godric's Hollow a bit with his brother Aberforth. THAT conversation was (rudely) interrupted by Leander, who invited them to Mary's upcoming birthday. They then broke to eat, and Lucan and Mason stopped by to update Elizabeth on Crossed Wands (And Mason said Slytherin would win the game that weekend) - Elizabeth will duel Natty. Grace asked Ominis (excitedly) how it went with Elizabeth, and thus revealed to Sebastian that Ominis and Elizabeth were a thing. He approved. Thursday morning, their previously-unnamed-fourth-roommate Ian brought Ominis a letter from his father, demanding he show up and make an Unbreakable Vow.

Sorry for the longer synopsis than usual, figured y'all'd need it since it's been... oh dear... like... 44 days. (Please forgive me o.o )


Ominis was returning to the Gaunt house. He refused to say he was going home. It hadn't been home for a long time, if ever. It hadn't crossed his mind that his father might interpret Anne's healing as an attempt to avoid the marriage. He'd been resigned to the engagement for months, and distracted by everything with Elizabeth. Why couldn't his father just leave him be? Why couldn't he take him at his word? And now he wanted a Vow? Ominis let his irritation get the better of him as he threw on his robes, tugging a sleeve with too much force. He heard a stitch or two pop and gritted his teeth. He'd be damned if he wasn't going to take care of this business with his father right away, even if he missed lunch and Charms - his only class on Thursdays.

As Ominis did his hair, he debated letting someone know where he had gone, lest his delightful family try something. But no, he didn't want to drag his friends into this. And besides, they wouldn't understand - he hadn't told either of them that it was Anne under threat, and if he could keep it that way, that was preferable. Ominis wasn't even sure where Sebastian had disappeared to this morning while he slept in. After he tugged on his shoes, Ominis snatched his wand off the bed and checked to find that, yes, his roommate was still there.

"Ian," Ominis said, stepping closer to his desk. "I need to go meet with my father."

"And?" Ian said, sounding not interested in the least.

"Just... If I don't return by tonight, can you let Sebastian know where I went?"

"Tell him yourself," Ian said, "Just because I was kind enough to bring you that letter does not mean I'm your messenger."

Ominis sighed. For once in his life, he wished Henry Rivers were there, because at least he was cooperative. There was only one to get to Ian.

"I'll pay you," Ominis said with a grimace.

He produced one silver sickle from his once more rather thin purse. There was a brief pause as Ian considered.

"Five sickles."


Another pause.

"Fine, but you pay now, and I'm not giving it back if you do return."

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