Chapter 18 - Oh Snap

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Elizabeth, Sebastian, and Ominis sloshed into the tunnel, which was mercifully acid-free now. The tunnel sloped upwards, so they were moving towards dryer ground. As they walked, Elizabeth couldn't stop her mind from turning to the boys without their shirts, despite everything else. She really needed to distract herself.

"So," Elizabeth said, "Earlier you were saying something about Aria - what did you mean?"

Sebastian cleared his throat, and Ominis kept his face carefully blank. It was clear each was hoping the other would tackle the topic. Elizabeth sighed.

"Fine, I can just ask Andrew or Leander when we get out of here."

Sebastian wrinkled his nose.

"I'd rather you didn't," Sebastian said.

"Oh?" Elizabeth said, "Then tell me yourself."

"Later," he said.

Elizabeth was going to push, but she saw Ominis shake his head ever so slightly. She sighed.

"Then - your birthday is soon, right, Sebastian? On the third?"

Sebastian grimaced. "Yes. It is - my first without Anne."

Okay, so, conversation wasn't working out.

The tunnel eventually let out into another chamber. This one contained a table in the center of the room that was strewn with gold, jewelry, and other artifacts. Large vases were at intervals along the walls, except the far wall, which held two large, full sized mirrors that were tarnished and dirty. There was no apparent way forward, but Revelio showed enchantments on both mirrors. Elizabeth looked at her feet. The ancient magic still flowed past her, towards the left mirror.

"The mirrors are doors, I think," Elizabeth said. "We've got to through the left one."

Sebastian and Elizabeth approached the mirror cautiously, but nothing happened. Elizabeth touched the mirror, nothing happened. Sebastian prodded at it, seeing if it would swing out, push in, slide to the side - nothing. He frowned, running his fingers along the edges.

"I don't understand," he muttered, "What do we have to do?"

Elizabeth looked to Ominis, who was carefully inspecting the rest of the room, not touching anything.

"Any ideas, Ominis?" She asked.

Ominis paused, raising an eyebrow.

"Break it? I daresay I am the last person to consult regarding a mirror."

"Oh come on," Elizabeth said, smiling, "Take a look - you may be able to find something we can't. Galdric was a wandmaker, afterall."

Ominis considered this, then stepped forward, joining Sebastian at the mirror. Sebastian had his wand out, muttering under his breath. Probably trying some spellcraft magic Elizabeth didn't understand a lick of. She looked around the rest of the room. On the table, Elizabeth spotted a broach that had the same symbol as the unicorn's eye and Ominis' ring. She checked it, making sure that it didn't bear any enchantment before she picked it up. Turning it over, it didn't seem to be anything special, so she set it down at the edge of the table. As soon as she let go of it, there was a deep, gong-like sound. They all froze.

"Did... that come from the mirror?" She asked.

"I think so," Ominis said, "What did you do?"

"I touched this broach that had that symbol on it - same as your ring."

Sebastian was looking back and forth between her and the mirror.

"Where did you get that from?" he asked.

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