Chapter 107: A Lack of Sense

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Ominis and Elizabeth attempted to flirt with each other (and attempted to kiss) when alone several times, however they found themselves being interrupted. Ominis was already frustrated with this and himself when he and Sebastian joined Andrew in the Library. Upon learning that Ominis had gone through with having Elizabeth as a "mistress" he laid into him, and Sebastian tried to come to his rescue. Overwhelmed, Ominis left. Alone, he waffled between the 'one selfish thing' that he wanted, and feeling that Andrew was right, that it would be better for Elizabeth to let her go.


"Really, Larson? Must you be such a prick?" Sebastian said as he watched Ominis storm out of the library.

"He needs to realize it's not okay," Andrew said, sounding frustrated. "Though I don't expect you to be the pinnacle of morality, I'd still expect you to see how this kind of thing will just hurt them both."

Sebastian stiffened, turning to glare at Andrew.

"Me?" He snarled, "I am just minding my business. I don't go involving myself in everyones' lives, unlike someone."

"You seem awfully involved right now," Andrew said, rolling his eyes. "Besides, it was you lot who came over here and disturbed me."

Sebastian opened his mouth to respond, then closed it again, because damn if Larson didn't have a point. However, he wasn't quite ready to let things go yet. His blood still boiled, thinking of Ominis' face after hearing Larson's words.

"Says the one who tied me up and forced me to talk just a few days ago," Sebastian said, lowering his voice. "Just when I'd thought we'd become friends too - you know, you always called me a snake. Perhaps you ought to look in a mirror. Which, by the way - when should I expect to get hauled off by your father? I would've thought you'd have gone crying to him already."

Andrew pressed his lips together into a thin line, looking away.

"I did talk to my father."

Sebastian felt his stomach drop at the look and a dizzying sickness seemed to burn up his throat and fear prickled over his skin. Why was he not already being dragged off by Aurors? He could feel the blood draining from his face as he pushed back from the table, standing, ready to run. His mind was racing - perhaps Andrew's father hadn't believed him, for some reason?

"I told him you were innocent, that your Uncle died of a heart attack," Andrew said, continuing. "All the things you said originally, that's what I told him."

Sebastian froze, his heart still pounding in his chest as he tried to comprehend the words.

"You... you did what?"

Andrew finally looked at him again, his expression deadly serious.

"I don't think what you did was right, but I also saw your regret. I've seen how you've changed recently - I think everyone has - and it sounds like you've been through more than enough." Andrew sighed and raked a hand through his hair. "So, I lied to my father. He's been investigating you, you know. I'll do what I can to make sure everything gets wrapped up alright."

Everything about Sebastian felt as if it had been turned to stone, relief weighing on him so heavily it almost felt ominous. He wasn't sure he believed it.

"I don't know what to say," Sebastian said at last. "I... Thank you."

"You don't have to say anything, just... keep your nose clean, yeah?" Andrew said, offering him a wan smile.

Sebastian swallowed against the rock that had lodged itself in his throat as he nodded. He gathered up his things, thinking that he ought to go look for Ominis.

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