Chapter 75 - Untangling Barriers

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CONTENT WARNING: LGBTQ+ in the 1890s / Trauma / Panic Attack


Ominis chuckled as he heard Grace drop onto the bench with a sigh.

"I never realized you were such a good dancer - even if they were the wrong dances," she said with a laugh, "That was fun, but my, am I tired."

"Dancing is one of the few things my mother insisted I learn," Ominis said wryly. "Not as useful as some other topics, but I'm glad for it all the same."

"Did you not have all of the usual classes in etiquette, finance, and culture?" Grace asked, sounding surprised.

"Unfortunately, those are not a... priority for the House of Gaunt," Ominis said, the words souring in his mouth. "Nor did we have the money for such luxuries."

"Oh," was all Grace said.

There was a pause, then he felt a hesitant hand on his arm.

"I'm sorry," Ominis said softly.

And he meant it - for his remark, for his family, for the whole marriage, all of it. As much as he didn't like this, it was much more unfair to her.

"Don't be, you have nothing to be sorry for," she said firmly, then more quietly, she added, "I am... also sorry. For this past week."

Ominis shook his head. "You have nothing to be sorry for either - I know this is hard for you. Like I said, you can talk to me about anything. We'll make this work."

"I... Ah, Andrew and Addie are coming over."

"Do they look as tired as we are?"

"Maybe moreso..."

Ominis grinned.

"Hey Ominis, hello Grace," Andrew called out.

"Had enough dancing?" Ominis asked.

"Oh, just getting tired," he replied, "We saw you two over here and figured we'd take a break too."

"Yeah," Adelaide said in quiet agreement. "Grace, care to take a walk around?"

"I, er... No, I'm okay here," Grace said, an odd edge to her voice.

Adelaide must have leaned in to whisper to Grace, because Ominis just barely caught her next statement.

"Grace, please? We really need to talk."

Grace hesitated.

"I'll be perfectly fine missing a song or two," he offered, "If you do want to go, go. Don't worry about me."

She took a deep breath then said, "Okay, then, I suppose..."

Grace sounded reluctant, but got up and Ominis tracked her beacon as they moved away.

"Merlin, those Scottish dances are complicated," Andrew said, taking the seat beside Ominis. "Addie only showed me the steps and explained how it usually goes, and while it sounds fascinating, I don't think I could do it."

"It just takes practice," Ominis said distractedly.

"Do you know them?" Andrew asked, sounding surprised.

"Sebastian taught me the steps for a couple dances, but I've never had occasion or desire to actually attempt it with others," Ominis said, then asked, "Could you tell me - how did Grace look just now? She sounded... unhappy."

"She did look a bit uncomfortable," Andrew said slowly, "But she's been avoiding Adelaide all week, since Saturday night... I'm sure they'll sort it out."

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