Chapter 24 - Snake

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The Ravenclaw common room was a hive of excitement as the whole house celebrated, the air buzzing with energy as students chattered about the match. Blue and bronze banners adorned the walls, and the team were all still wearing their Quidditch robes, their cheeks flushed with exhilaration. Andrew and the rest of the team were receiving endless pats on the back and other congratulations. Elizabeth couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for them, she knew how much time and effort they had put into training.

As the celebration got underway, food appeared courtesy of Felix and Hugo, who raided the kitchens. Tables were laden with treats - butterbeer, pumpkin pastries, and other delectable snacks that vanished almost as quickly as they appeared. The Ravenclaws gathered around, laughing and toasting to their success, their spirits high. Music filled the air, and soon students were dancing and twirling around the common room, their laughter echoing off the walls. Elizabeth found herself pulled into a lively dance by Andrew, and she couldn't resist joining in the revelry. The room was alive with joy, and Elizabeth felt a sense of camaraderie and belonging that she had never experienced before.

As the evening wore on Elizabeth and Andrew continued to dance together, their movements synchronized and their smiles bright. The warmth of Andrew's hand in hers, the twinkle in his eyes, and the way he effortlessly spun her around made her heart flutter. They were lost in their own little world, surrounded by the jubilant atmosphere of the Ravenclaw common room. As they moved through the room, Elizabeth brushed past Aria and -


Elizabeth stumbled, staring back as Andrew steadied her. Aria flashed her a broad grin and waggled her fingers before she leaned in close to Hugo, asking him to dance. Elizabeth watched them go, utterly stunned. This was the Ravenclaw common room - was that allowed? Andrew followed her gaze.

"Is that Aria?" he asked, sounding astounded.

"Just what I was wondering," Elizabeth said.

She looked around the common room more carefully now. She quickly spotted Sebastian, who was dancing with Marjorie, the Ravenclaw Keeper. At the same time, Andrew pointed out Ominis, who was sitting in a chair chatting with Constance Dagworth. Ominis paused, appeared to ask Constance a question, then, when she nodded, he turned and waved brightly at them.

"Merlin, we've been invaded," Andrew said.

As Sebastian moved closer, Elizabeth snagged his sleeve.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Elizabeth asked.

Sebastian shrugged, stepping back from Marjorie.

"Aria was in the mood for a party," he said simply. "We just tagged along."

"But, how did you get in?" Andrew asked.

"You're not the only ones who can answer a simple bloody question, you know," Sebastian said, rolling his eyes.

Andrew frowned as Sebastian let Marjorie tug him back to dancing. Elizabeth just sighed and shook her head. Before she and Andrew could do more than exchange exasperated glances, Elizabeth saw Duncan Hobhouse pushing his way through the crowd towards them. She groaned - she had a feeling she knew exactly what was wrong. Sure enough, when he reached them moments later, he shot Andrew a wary glance and spoke directly into Elizabeth's ear.

"Elizabeth, could you, er, well - could you do me another favor? There's a puffskein in my room..."

Elizabeth shot Ominis a dirty look, which was entirely pointless, though satisfying.

"I'll take care of it," she said to Duncan. "You can stay down here, I'll be right back."

The puffskein was easy enough to deal with - the hardest part was crawling under one of the beds where it was hunting spiders. Elizabeth wasn't sure what to do with it, but a solution quickly presented itself when she ran into a second year in the hall who was utterly enamored with the creature. The puffskein hummed happily as the boy petted it, and she quizzed him briefly on proper care before letting him take it.

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