Chapter 1 - A Return to Normalcy

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The end of term feast was a jubilant affair. After the house cup was awarded, Elizabeth found herself mobbed by shouting Ravenclaws, being borne to their house table by her peers. Once the food appeared - and Professor Black disappeared, muttering about the noise as he stalked from the room - the separation between the tables deteriorated, and people sat where they pleased. For most of dinner, Poppy sat next to Elizabeth, and caught her up on the development of the Golden Snidgets, who were now fledglings, learning to fly. Natsai joined them as well. But by dessert, Poppy and Natty had moved off, and Ominis slid into the empty seat beside her.

"Elizabeth, I was wondering if I could have a word with you?" Ominis asked.

Elizabeth darted a glance around her. Everyone was too busy chatting and eating to notice much. She leaned in towards Ominis, feeling tense. So much had happened, what could it be now?

"Of course, what is it?"

Ominis' brow furrowed at her tone.

"Ah, I'm sorry," he said, "I didn't mean to worry you, I just wondered what your plan was for the summer holiday."

Elizabeth paused. She really hadn't had time to think about it.

"I suppose I'll be headed back to the orphanage in London," she said.

It felt odd to think of returning to the orphanage after all that had happened. Such a return to normalcy seemed jarring.

"Ah, I see," Ominis said, "I thought perhaps you'd stay in the area. I wouldn't put it past Professor Weasley to make you stay and work through the summer."

He carefully selected a peppermint humbug from a dish on the table while Elizabeth smiled wryly.

"She does seem determined to catch me up, doesn't she?" Elizabeth said, "But that didn't stop her from making me take my O.W.L.s."

"How do you think you did?" Ominis asked.

Elizabeth shrugged.

"Who knows," she said, "I only really felt good about Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"You seem to be a dab hand at whatever you try," Ominis said, "You took to magic like a moth to a lit wand. I'm sure you did fine."

Elizabeth nibbled the edge of a cookie she couldn't identify. It seemed to be some kind of spiced shortbread.

"What about you? Any summer plans?" she asked.

Ominis shrugged, looking hesitant.

"I usually stay with the Sallows. I can't imagine doing anything else, and I definitely can't return to my family, but I haven't really spoken with him yet, after... everything."

They were both quiet for a minute. Their friend had traveled down a dark path this year. They had refrained from reporting the true circumstances around his Uncle's death, or any of the other things he had done that semester, but the truth hung over them like heavy smoke. More than that, as he had delved deeper into the Dark Arts and his search for a cure, he had become increasingly unstable.

Elizabeth glanced towards the Slytherin table, her eyes landing on Sebastian.

"I don't think he would have any issue with you staying with him, in fact, it might do him good," Elizabeth said, "If you're okay with it, that is."

Ominis shrugged a single shoulder.

"I can't think of any better options," Ominis said, "Besides, I should be there for Anne as well. I don't know how she'll do with Sebastian around. She still refuses to see him."

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