Chapter 48 - Slytherin's Heir and Venomous Temptations

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As the last notes of the song faded, Elizabeth hesitated, caught between proprietary and enjoyment of the dance. Ominis' hands remained, warm, in hers, but she tore her gaze away to steal a glance at Sebastian. He still leaned against a nearby pole, watching them with an inscrutable expression.

"I fear we may be pushing Sebastian's temper," she said quietly.

Ominis' grip tightened ever so slightly, concern flickering across his face.

"Then let's not test the limits of his patience," he said as he stepped back from her. "Perhaps I'll dance with some other girls - did you see where Aria ended up?"

Elizabeth's gaze darted around the room, searching for Aria and spotting Sebastian headed back their way.

"Looks like she's talking with some folks right now," Elizabeth said, "Near the refreshment table."

Ominis sighed, running his hand through his hair. Sebastian reached them, sliding an arm around Elizabeth's waist.

"Having a good time, darling?"

Elizabeth smiled at him, and said, "I am."

She leaned into him, appreciating the warmth of his touch. Sebastian glanced at Ominis.

"I was thinking we should grab a drink, care to join us?"

Ominis shook his head. "I was just thinking about finding my next dance partner - Ellie said there are plenty of lovely ladies here tonight."

"Ah," Sebastian said, smiling. "I ran into the Pinch-Smedleys while you two were dancing. Grace might be around here somewhere."

"You know," Ominis said thoughtfully, "It has been a while since I've spoken with her. Well, you two enjoy your drink."

Sebastian brought Elizabeth a glass of wine and they found a seat at a table near the edge of the pavilion. Ominis had found Grace Pinch-Smedley, and Elizabeth watched them dance. Sebastian drummed his fingers against the table like he was irritated, but seemed lost in thought. The silence between them seemed to threaten to stretch into something more, until it was broken by an exasperated sigh. A rather ruffled Mason Blackwell appeared from the crowd.

"Mind if I sit?" He asked dourly.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, but said, "If you must."

Mason dropped into a chair across the table. Elizabeth looked at him curiously, as it was her first opportunity to observe him up close. She had only ever seen him soaring high above the pitch as the Slytherin seeker. His hair was the same as his sister's glossy black though decidedly more disheveled, lending him a carefree charm. Though he might have been considered handsome, he sprawled in the chair with a distinct lack of decorum.

Mason let his head fall backwards with a wry chuckle.

"Merlin, I thought I'd never escape the clutches of the Pinch-Smedleys. They've been hounding me all summer about my marriage prospects, but they're worse than ever this evening."

Sebastian snorted. "Ah, I'm glad I wasn't the only one they approached."

Elizabeth glanced at him in surprise, and Mason gave him a sideways smirk.

"That would be my fault, my apologies," he said, "I might have pointed them your way, but, to your credit, they came scurrying back rather quickly. Whatever did you say to them? You must teach me your ways."

"Ah, nothing much," Sebastian said with a shrug. "I simply pointed out that I am already happily engaged."

He slid an arm around Elizabeth's shoulders, pulling her close, and she raised her eyebrow.

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