Chapter 30 - Thin Ice

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"You asshole," Ominis snarled as he flung open the door to their room.

"Well hello to you too, Ominis," Sebastian said.

Ominis briefly checked in with his wand, confirming that they were the only ones there before he slammed the door. Ominis had felt his anger building the entire way to the dungeons.

"Are you insane?" Ominis said, seething. "Are you trying to drive away everyone around you?"

"What are you -"

"Don't you dare play dumb," Ominis said, his voice shaking with rage. "How many times have I told you not to mess with Larson? How many times have I told you to leave Elizabeth alone? How many times did she ask you to leave them alone? Sebastian, you've gone too far. You attacked him."

"You didn't hear what he said," Sebastian snapped back.

"Oh really? Enlighten me," Ominis hissed.

When Sebastian didn't immediately answer, it took all of Ominis' willpower not to grab Sebastian and shake some sense into him.

"What?" Sebastian asked after a moment.

"What do you mean what. Tell me what he said that was so bad."

"Ominis, that's parseltongue."

Ominis swore. He hadn't even noticed.

"Tell me what the hell he said," Ominis demanded, making a concerted effort to speak English.

"Ominis, calm down, it's -"

Without a second thought, Ominis grabbed Sebastian's robe, twisting his fist into the fabric.

"I've held my tongue long enough," Ominis growled. "I doubt Larson said anything worthy of injury. He's a better man than you are. You never listen, you never learn. I give you advice because I care about you, and you throw it all out without a second thought." Ominis released Sebastian's robe, pushing him away. "Don't talk to me until you're ready to listen."


After Ominis walked her up to Ravenclaw tower Wednesday evening, Andrew had tried to talk to her in the common room. Elizabeth brushed him off, running up the girl's stairs. She sat on her bed, arms wrapped around her knees. Inside, she felt utterly empty. In one fell swoop, she'd lost Andrew and Sebastian, and it was her own fault. She knew that breaking up with Andrew was the right thing to do, but it didn't make it any easier. She cared about him deeply, and the thought of him hurting was tearing her apart. But what hurt even more was the loss of Sebastian. She had never thought that their friendship would come to such an abrupt end, and his betrayal stung. She had always been able to forgive him for his mistakes, but this time it was different. The way he had treated Andrew had been unforgivable, and she couldn't bear to be associated with someone who could be so cruel.

She hugged her knees tighter, feeling the emptiness inside her grow. It was a heavy weight that she couldn't shake off, no matter how hard she tried. Despite everything he'd done, Sebastian had been right - she wasn't normal, and nothing around her could be normal. With the blood on her hands, she should never have tried to forget who she was, to forget what she could do. Elizabeth closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. The memories came flooding back to her - the screams, the blood, the pain she'd caused. It was a part of her that she tried to bury deep down inside, but it was always there, lurking in the shadows. Andrew had always made her feel like she was more than just a killer, like she was worthy of love and companionship. But she was nothing more than a monster. She never could have been worthy of someone like him. Sebastian knew that, had reminded her in the worst way. What normal girl would have to worry about her best friend killing her boyfriend?

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