Chapter 14 - A Darker Legacy

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Wednesday afternoon, while Sebastian was in potions, Elizabeth tracked down Ominis. Neither she nor Sebastian had spoken since the duel. Elizabeth had felt too guilty to approach Sebastian. His expression was guarded whenever he looked at her. Ominis had stuck quietly by Sebastian's side, and Elizabeth wasn't sure what his thoughts were on... everything. Thus, she wanted to find Ominis alone, and she did as she was walking the halls.

"Ominis?" she asked softly.

"Yes, Elizabeth?" Ominis asked, turning to face her.

"How are you doing?"

She knew she sounded tentative, and she knew she stood with more space between them than usual. But she just didn't know if Ominis was upset with her or not. Ominis tilted his head slightly, as if considering her question.

"I am... managing," he said finally. "It has been a difficult few days for all of us, I think."

Elizabeth nodded in agreement, relieved that he didn't seem angry with her. "I just wanted to check in on you, see how you were holding up."

"That is kind of you," Ominis replied, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "I am grateful for your concern."

They stood in silence for a moment, both unsure of what to say next. Elizabeth shifted her weight from one foot to the other, feeling the awkwardness of the situation.

"Do you think... Is Sebastian is angry with me?" she asked finally, unable to keep the question inside any longer.

Ominis thought for a long moment before answering. "I don't think he is angry, no. But he is hurt, and confused, and perhaps a little bit scared. Though he may not know that himself."

Elizabeth winced at his words, feeling another pang of guilt. "I didn't... mean for any of this to happen."

"I know," Ominis said gently. "And I think Sebastian knows that too, deep down. But it will take time for him to work through his feelings. You did beat him senseless in front of half our year."

Elizabeth nodded, feeling a lump form in her throat.

"I just miss him," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I miss both of you."

Ominis placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I know," he said. "But he'll come around. And I'm still here whenever you need me."

Elizabeth managed a small smile, grateful for his reassurance. "Thank you, Ominis," she said, "For everything."

He nodded, his own small smile still playing at his lips. "Of course, Ellie. Anytime."

Elizabeth wiped at her eyes, making sure to keep her emotions in check.

"Did you find out who sacked your room?" she asked.

Ominis hesitated.

"Let's go to the Undercroft," he said.

Elizabeth hadn't been to the Undercroft since last year, so she was surprised to see papers strewn over the top of several crates and pinned to the walls. She recognized the chaotic jumble of information on them as the same that had been on the parchment Sebastian had spent most of the summer working on. He must still be working on deconstructing the curse.

"So," Elizabeth said, turning back to Ominis, "What's up? Who sacked your room? It wasn't... them, was it?"

Ominis was fidgeting with his wand, pacing.

"We found out that they hired a couple of third years to do it, so not them directly, no, but... Yes, indirectly, it was my brothers."

Elizabeth frowned. "Did you find them? The students?"

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