Chapter 83 - A Changing Tide

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Once everyone had changed, Andrew called them together.

"Okay, I'll say it again," he said, "Excellent flying today, all of you. Whoever's up for it - let's grab a drink at the Three Broomsticks. I need to speak with someone briefly, but I'll meet you there, and when I do, then the next round will be on me, alright?"

The team nodded, some of them managing small smiles, and he let them troop out ahead of him, huddled in their cloaks against the sleet. Andrew took a deep breath, trying to compose himself before he stepped outside. His father had never come to one of his games - most parents didn't, though it wasn't unheard of. Outside, he found both his father and Aria, sheltering in the alcove around the door.

"Hello Father," Andrew said cautiously as he pulled his own cloak around himself.

"Andrew," His father said by way of greeting. "Shall we head to the Three Broomsticks? Your letter said you had some things to discuss."

Andrew's heart sank. Not even a mention of the game. Perhaps later?

"Of course," he said, "Though I won't be able to stay for a meal this time - I promised my team a drink."

As his father nodded curtly and gestured that they should head towards the front gate, Andrew's eyes slid to Aria, who was frowning. He could tell she was about to say something, and his eyes widened as he shook his head, trying to warn her off. It was pointless.

"Mr. Larson," she said, her voice cutting through the noise of the weather. "Are you not going to say anything about your son's game?"

His father gave her a sharp look.

"Miss Blackwell, as I keep telling you, I didn't come to town today intending on watching the match at all," he said, then let out a small breath and looked to Andrew. "But you did fly well today, son, it's a shame about the loss."

Aria's eyes narrowed and Andrew was overwhelmed with a sense of trepidation.

He tried to intervene. "It's okay -"

"That's it? Mr. Larson," Aria said, her voice icy. "Andrew played his heart out out there, and the entire team gave it their best. They played in this atrocious rain and wind, and they deserve more recognition than a casual 'shame about the loss'."


Shocked, Andrew gently grabbed her arm and towed her back into the changing room, shooting his father an apologetic look before he closed the door. Andrew's heart swelled with gratitude for Aria's defense, but he also felt completely mortified. He didn't need her clashing with his father, especially when it wouldn't change his father's opinions.

"Aria," he said, holding her gingerly by the shoulders and staring into her eyes, which glared back at him. "Drop it. It's okay - that's just how he is."

She shook his hands off with an irritated sound. "I just - how can you stand him? All match - He's so... so..."

As she struggled for words, Andrew sighed.

"Where did... How did you even convince him to come?" Andrew asked, running a hand through his still-sodden hair. "And why?"

"I ran into him on the street in Hogsmeade," she said, pursing her lips. "Thought it might do him some good to see you play, but apparently not."

"Look, Aria, I appreciate the effort," Andrew said with a sad smile. "But it's okay, really."

She fixed her hard gaze on him for a long moment as if deciding, then let all her tension go with a long breath as she averted her eyes.

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