Chapter 23

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A/N: Lower your expectations for this chapter - I gave up on trying to fix it. My apologies.

Elizabeth, Andrew, and Ominis split off from the chattering crowd that flowed up towards the castle, though they weren't the only ones headed to Hogsmeade. As they neared the gate to the castle grounds, Elizabeth spotted Sebastian leaning against the wall. He scowled as they approached.

"Did you invite Sallow?" Andrew asked.

Elizabeth grimaced.

"I did, but based on his response, I didn't think he'd actually come."

Sebastian stood.

"Well, isn't it a lovely surprise to see all of you here," he said with a slight sneer. "Especially after Lizzie invited 'me' to go to Hogsmeade with 'her'."

Elizabeth sighed. She supposed she hadn't mentioned inviting anyone else.

"Always a pleasure to have you join us," Ominis said brightly, "Please do try to resist the urge to attack anyone this time, won't you?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Ah, yes, because attacking people is always at the top of my to-do list," he said sarcastically. "I'll do my best to contain my wild impulses and avoid your brother, Ominis. Don't worry."

"Well, that's reassuring," Andrew said with a faint smile. "Shall we get a move on then?"

Their first stop was Zonko's Joke Shop. Elizabeth had explained briefly on the way that Sebastian, who was sulking several steps behind their little group, wanted to try Galdric's spell on a cursed item. Collectively, they decided to find something that didn't have a truly dangerous curse on it, so Zonko's seemed like their best bet. And sure enough, Sebastian finally found a necklace that had a Laughing Curse on it - the wearer was left laughing uncontrollably until the necklace was removed or the curse lifted. They trekked out of the village and up the hill, looking for a secluded place to test the spell, eventually finding a large stone in a field that Sebastian set the necklace on.

As Sebastian once again attempted the spell, the trio retreated to a safe distance. Elizabeth could tell Sebastian had been practicing. This time, he didn't need to read off the scroll, and he performed the complicated wand movements with more certainty. As he chanted, his wand began to glow with a blue light like before. Andrew sucked in a breath, looking impressed. As the incantation concluded, the light flashed, then vanished. Elizabeth tightened her hand on Andrew's, watching Sebastian closely.


The soft sound drifted to her as she watched Sebastian's wand once again break in half - though perhaps not quite so dramatically as the first time. Andrew winced, and Elizabeth groaned. Sebastian mutely lowered the handle of his wand.

"Was that his wand again?" Ominis asked.

"Yeah," Elizabeth said grimly.

There was an awkward silence as they waited to see how Sebastian would react.

"Can someone come check if it worked?" Sebastian asked, his voice level.

Elizabeth approached and cast Revelio on the necklace. It flared to life with magic, and she sighed, shaking her head. Andrew and Ominis gathered around as Sebastian let out a small growl of frustration.

"I just don't understand," he said, "It should work."

"I might be going out on a limb here," Ominis said, "But, perhaps it only works with a double core wand? Galdric did invent both."

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