Chapter 13 - Wands, Crossed

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Tuesday began with double Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Elizabeth arrived early with Andrew in tow. She had been hoping to catch Sebastian and show him the symbol in the sketch of Galdric, but he and Ominis didn't arrive until moments before the bell. Ominis was looking much better today, if not dreadfully tired, and Sebastian was looking mildly frazzled. As they sat down, Elizabeth did try to catch Sebastian's eye, only to find him doing the same. Perhaps they both had news.

"Alright class," Professor Hecat said, clapping her hands together eagerly. "Today we will be starting on nonverbal spells. It's a valuable skill for any witch or wizard, should you come up against a foe in combat. Can anyone tell me why?"

A few hands went up, Elizabeth's among them.

"Miss Smith?"

"Nonverbal spells provide an edge as the opponent has less time to respond to the spell cast, if they can identify it at all," she said.

"Very good, five points to Ravenclaw. Now -"

Professor Hecat continued lecturing on the benefits of nonverbal spell casting, but Elizabeth was thinking sadly of Anne. She wondered if Rookwood had used a nonverbal spell, and how different Anne and Sebastian's lives might be if he hadn't. It was indeed a cruel advantage. Elizabeth was pulled from her thoughts as Professor Hecat had them partner up and moved the desks aside with a sweep of her wand.

"Now," Professor Hecat said, "Focus first on producing a spell - any spell - nonverbally. Fix the incantation in your mind and perform the wand movement clearly and with purpose. Once you and your partner have both successfully produced a spell, practice blocking spells from each other, nonverbally. Disarming spells and shield charms only, please."

Andrew grinned at Elizabeth. "Ready to see how it's done?"

Andrew focused, moving his wand. Nothing happened. Elizabeth clapped politely.

"Fantastic Andrew, I've never seen such skill," she said, smirking playfully.

Andrew laughed. "I've done it before, I swear!"

"Sure, sure," Elizabeth said, "Let me give it a shot."

Putting her whole mind to the incantation, Elizabeth thought Aguamenti and executed the wand movement for the spell. A gentle spray of water poured from the tip of her wand for a moment before she stopped the spell. Andrew looked impressed.

"Professor Ronen only showed us that charm last week," he said, "Nice."

Elizabeth shrugged. "Seemed like a handy charm to know, so I practiced outside of class. Here, you try again."

As Elizabeth and Andrew were packing up after Defense Against the Dark Arts, Sebastian approached them, Ominis trailing behind. Elizabeth saw Andrew's expression tighten, but he greeted the boys all the same.

"Hey, Lizzie," Sebastian said, "We ran into Lucan this morning. Crossed Wands tonight, usual time, usual place."

Andrew looked at Elizabeth sharply.

"Don't tell me you're a member of that club," he said.

Elizabeth smiled sheepishly. "I am."

Andrew sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I should report this. It's not a school sanctioned club."

"Why don't you join us, Larson," Sebastian said, smirking, "Unless you're too scared to get beat by your girlfriend."

Elizabeth stifled a groan. She had wondered why Sebastian had said something in front of Andrew. He wasn't so foolish as to go talking about an illicit dueling club in front of a prefect. She should have known what he was angling for. Andrew frowned.

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