Chapter 74 - All Hallow's Eve

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Somehow, despite the fact she and Sebastian still spent a good deal of time together, word of their breakup had made it around the school. Elizabeth couldn't figure out how they knew, but the week before the Ball, several boys asked her to go with them, and all she turned down - including Jacob Reekey, again. They usually approached her between classes or when Sebastian wasn't otherwise present, though Ominis had fun driving a few off. However, not all were that smart. The day before Halloween, Sebastian and Elizabeth were taking advantage of their Sunday by studying in the Library. Or, more precisely, flipping through some of the more recent travel logs the Library had in its possession, attempting to find information on Gregorovitch.

Elizabeth sighed as she closed yet another book that was thoroughly unhelpful - too outdated for an up-and-coming wandmaker.

"Sebastian, why don't we just wait and go to Isvik next summer?" She asked. "Asking around in person seems like it might be more fruitful."

He looked up, working the page he held between his fingers as he seemed to contemplate her words. There were still dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was messy, though not as unkempt as it was. After a long moment, he shook his head.

"I still have to try looking here," he said, "You... haven't seen Anne recently. I'm worried about taking too long."

Elizabeth's gut clenched at his words. Was she that bad? Would the curse end up being deadly?

"Then, are you sure the Elder wand is still the best option?" She asked. "We could go back to the drawing board, try to come up with something else..."

Sebastian opened his mouth to reply, then closed it again, his eyes sliding to something past her. He glowered, and Elizabeth turned to see Eric Northcott approaching. She'd spoken to him exactly twice, but knew he also participated in Crossed Wands, having dueled him once in their fifth year.

Sebastian must have been thinking along the same lines because he asked, "Something from Lucan?"

Eric spared Sebastian a glance before looking at Elizabeth. "Not today. Hey Smith, I heard you still don't have a partner, and the Ball is tomorrow..."

She knew where he was going with this, so she shook her head. "Sorry, I'm just not interested in attending with a date."

"Ah, I see," Eric said, "Then perhaps as acquaintances or fr-"

"You heard her, Northcott," Sebastian snapped. "Sod off."

"Sebastian," Elizabeth said with a sigh. "Sorry, Eric, but I have to decline."

She offered him a small, apologetic smile, and he nodded.

"Right, then I'll see you around."

Sebastian glared at him, practically boring holes into his back.

"Sebastian," Elizabeth said again, fixing him with a stern look. "I can handle things myself."

He met her gaze for a long moment, seeming to soften.

"Sorry," he said, pulling his book back towards him. "It just pissed me off when he pushed."

"I could tell," she said dryly, but a small grin crept onto her face. "Thank you, though."

Sebastian looked up in surprise then smiled. Elizabeth looked at her small stack of books she'd skimmed and sighed. She stood, stretching after sitting for so long a time. Aria was at the front desk, so Elizabeth headed her way after placing the books on the reshelving cart.

"Hey Aria," she said, "How are things up here?"

Aria, who had been humming to herself, looked up from her ledger, a familiar bright smile ready.

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