Chapter 79 - Projecting

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Mason set his glass of firewhiskey down on the coffee table before leaning back into the couch with a sigh, his arm resting on the back, almost around Elizabeth's shoulders, but not quite touching her. Elizabeth watched the fire for a long moment, but her attention was drawn back to him as he shifted, drawing one long leg up under him so he could turn to face her. She turned towards him as well, waiting for him to speak, watching the way the firelight flickered in his eyes.

Instead of speaking, he leaned in, hesitating for the briefest of moments before he pressed his lips to hers. He didn't miss or fumble, and Elizabeth stiffened before relaxing into the kiss. She brought a hand up to his face, running her thumb over his cheek. At the same time, one of his hands ran delicately up her thigh, over her hip, and came to a stop at the small of her back. His other hand slid up her neck and into her hair, and he pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss. It wasn't sloppy or rushed - no, it was perfect. Elizabeth sighed against his lips and felt him smirk.

The sound of a door jolted Elizabeth awake, her heart racing. She sucked in a sharp breath and sat upright in bed, getting her bearings quickly.

"Sorry," Constance said in a loud whisper. "Didn't mean to wake you. Still having nightmares?"

"Nightmares... yes," Elizabeth said, feeling slightly dizzy. "Definitely nightmares."

Constance nodded understandingly. "Well, if you're up - lunch starts in half an hour."

Elizabeth smiled in response, not really listening as she drew her knees up to her chest. What the hell had that been? Not a nightmare, that was for certain. She felt a mix of excitement, confusion, and apprehension. It was as if her subconscious mind was playing a cruel game with her heart, teasing her with a version of reality that didn't exist. Elizabeth's cheeks were flushed with embarrassment as she tried to shake off the remnants of those thoughts. She hadn't had many vivid dreams since Garreth's potion, and she hoped this didn't mean it was wearing off. Her stomach felt sour, making her regret drinking so much at the Slytherin party. She trawled back through the events of the night before as she let her stomach and mind settle.

The memory of Ominis disappearing with Grace and Adelaide needled at her still, though he had reappeared later, alone. There was a flood of embarrassment that washed over her as she remembered Sebastian shrugging her off because she'd been forward with him, despite everything she'd said. Then she'd returned to Mason and the others, and not long after Ominis had reappeared and taken up a spot nearby, seeming to listen to their game. When, later in the evening, she'd started feeling rather tired and queasy, Ominis and Andrew had swooped in and dragged her back to Ravenclaw tower. Then the memory of her legs in Mason's lap surfaced and she felt herself flush again. All in all, a rather mortifying evening, though she'd had fun.

She buried her head in her arms with a groan. Why had she dreamed about Mason of all people, why not Ominis? No, not Ominis, she reminded herself. After watching him with Grace, Elizabeth knew she had to set aside those feelings for him. Even if he once returned them, months ago, like Aria had said, he wouldn't now. Not after she'd fallen in with Sebastian, her cursed mind blocking Ominis out of her thoughts. She scrubbed at her face as she turned her mind to Sebastian, for she hated this lingering connection to him. She had ended things, and with good reason. Regardless of any improvements he'd made recently, she couldn't - shouldn't - forget how he had manipulated her. Even if what he had said was true - that didn't make it right. She would simply have to keep whatever feelings she had for her friends under solid lock and key. Perhaps this dream had been her subconscious telling her to let go of them, she decided. Moving on might not be so bad.

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