Chapter 94: Tomorrow's Memories

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Elizabeth found herself staring into Ominis' eyes as she spoke. They didn't return her gaze nor watch her intently - they never did - but they were just so pretty. And it was clear he was paying close attention to her words all the same - closer attention than her rambling stories warranted, perhaps. A little smile hung around his lips as he listened, asking the occasional question here and there, encouraging her to continue. But she was just so distracted by his eyes. The firelight in the room made them appear almost grey, rather than their usual misty blue, and she was mesmerized. So, her stories meandered.

"You remember how we would help at the church down the road? All of us at Providence?"

He nodded and that same firelight glinted across his golden hair. It had been rather disheveled after she'd convinced him to try skating, and, though he'd called it quits after his second near-fall, he'd taken the time to tame it again. Now his hair impeccably combed once more, every strand falling into its proper place. The embodiment of neatness and precision.

"There was one fall when they had us making pies to give out - grape pies, apple pies, pumpkin pies, all sorts. Though I do remember it being a good year for grapes."

She started wandering off topic again, and could see him hold back his grin by taking a sip of his drink. His long, slender fingers that held the mug weren't unfamiliar, as they had held hands many times before, but it was strange, feeling as if she was allowed to look at them now. At him. And the way he was listening to her - it wasn't as though he hadn't paid attention before, but now he seemed to be... warmer? It was all so strange, surreal.

"Well, all the younger girls were distracting us, needing help, and - we still don't know who mixed things up... But Mary and I were in charge of the apple pies, and we accidentally used salt instead of sugar for the filling."

Ominis chuckled and said, "That must have been quite a surprise for the unfortunate souls who tried it first."

"Oh, they were dreadful, and the Matron was livid," Elizabeth said with a grimace. "We had to remake the pies and got stuck on cleaning duty for a month."

"Remind me not to let you cook anymore," Ominis said, grinning. "We wouldn't want any more mishaps in the kitchen."

"It was a mistake!" Elizabeth protested. "You've never complained about anything I made before."

Ominis raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Just because I never complained..."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and let out a huff, but smiled. She raised her own mug and found it empty. She began to excuse herself to get another, but Ominis stood instead.

"Allow me," he said, holding a hand out for her mug.

She watched him head off towards the bar, any objections dying on her lips. Without Ominis there to speak with, she looked around the table - it was rather like waking from a dream. Sebastian and Andrew were still engaged in a shockingly amicable conversation. They seemed to be debating Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration - though how they'd gotten onto that topic from Quidditch, Elizabeth didn't know. Drusilla was back and chatting with Maren and Mihkel, the three of them cycling through languages in a way that made it incredibly hard to follow. And Aria... Aria was leaning back in her chair, watching Elizabeth with a curious glint in her eye.

Seeing she had Elizabeth's attention, Aria arched an inquiring eyebrow and said, "It looks like you and Ominis are having quite the cozy evening."

A grin fought its way onto Elizabeth's face and she covered it with a hand.

"Well," Elizabeth said, leaning in and lowering her voice. "We might have gone on a date today."

Aria's eyes widened and she gasped in excitement, sitting up.

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