Chapter 9 - Beginnings

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Elizabeth, Sebastian, and Ominis had put on their school robes, packed their trunks, and flown to Hogwarts the evening of the start of term feast. Elizabeth saw a handful of other students arriving by broom as well. Likely those who either lived in the surrounding area, or those who'd been attending the W.A.N.D. exams. As they touched down in the courtyard, Elizabeth could see the scarlet steam engine pulling away from Hogsmeade station across the lake, and the horseless carriages pulling up the drive.

"Looks as though we're a bit late," she said.

As if on cue, students began swarming up the steps towards them.

"I don't know," Sebastian said, "Looks to me as though we are perfectly on time."

They let themselves be swept into the entrance hall. Peeves floated above the crowd, lazily flinging handfuls of a golden powder down on the crowd. There were groans and shrieks of indignation as students found themselves covered. Some landed on Ominis, and he made a sound of disgust as he swatted it away from his face.

"What is this, sawdust?" Ominis said indignantly. "It smells like a sawmill."

Elizabeth looked closely at the dust, which was clinging determinedly to the fabric of Ominis' robes.

"I do believe it is," she said.

"Tough luck," Sebastian said.

They were buffeted along into the Great Hall as Ominis attempted to swipe the sawdust away. Elizabeth waved farewell to the boys as she broke away for the Ravenclaw table. She saw Samantha Dale attempting to wave her over to an empty spot on the bench next to her. Elizabeth waved back, then plopped down in a seat next to Amit.

Amit turned to see who had sat next to him, then said, "Ah, hello Elizabeth, how are you?"

"I'm well," Elizabeth said, "What about yourself? Anything interesting happen this summer?"

Amit launched into a lengthy story about a trip to Brazil and the constellations in the Southern Hemisphere. Elizabeth smiled and nodded along - she liked astronomy well enough, but she would never match the passion Amit had for it. His story was interrupted when someone claimed the spot on the other side of Elizabeth. It was Andrew Larson, who she recognized from classes, but had hardly said two words to.

"Guess what," Larson said.

Elizabeth only arched one eyebrow, but Amit leaned around her.

"Hey Andrew," Amit said, "What's up?"

"You've got to guess!" Larson was grinning from ear to ear.

Elizabeth sat back to let them talk around her.

Amit gasped, catching sight of a badge on Larson's chest. Elizabeth saw the silver badge as well, pinned under his prefect's badge.

"You're the new Quidditch captain!" Amit said, "That's fantastic! Congratulations."

Larson opened his mouth to say something else, but just then, Professor Weasley brought out the Sorting Hat and a hush fell over the Hall. She set the hat on a stool as the first years trooped onto the stage, lining up behind the hat. Elizabeth's mouth dropped when a rip on the hat opened, and the hat began to sing.

Oh, I am the Sorting Hat, my dears

And it's time for me to sing

To sort you into houses

And see what each of you will bring

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