Chapter 69 - Tidbits

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The corridors were mostly empty as Andrew walked alongside his father to the entrance hall, and his father didn't try to spark up a conversion beyond the usual pleasantries - how was he, how was school going, how was his new team, and the like. His father led the way into the Great Hall, which was also devoid of students, as it was too late for breakfast, but too early for lunch. His father pulled a small pouch of floo powder from a pocket and offered some to Andrew, who took a pinch automatically.

His father threw the powder into the flames, which roared up green, and stepped in as he said, "The Three Broomsticks."

Andrew sighed as his father vanished, looking at the glittering green powder pinched in his fingers. His whole body felt heavy with dread - he was getting pulled too far into things, and he didn't think he liked it. All the same, he tossed the powder and stepped into the green flames.

"The Three Broomsticks."

He was whipped out of the Great Hall, hearths flashing past as he spun, his vision encompassed by green. And then he was being spit out into the main room of the Three Broomsticks. Andrew managed a fairly graceful exit, stepping from the fireplace and only stumbling slightly as he got his bearings, his head still spinning. He spotted his father, already speaking with Sirona at the counter. Money exchanged hands as Andrew approached, and Sirona summoned some ham, eggs, and bread, which she passed to his father.

"I've got us the private room again," his father said, passing the platter on to Andrew to carry.

Andrew mutely accepted the food, following his father up the stairs. As they settled into the private room, Andrew thought that, while it was still slightly warmer than the rest of the building, it was more comfortable now that the weather was turning.

"So," his father said, beginning to plate some food. "Noreen said you and the Gaunt boy helped Mr. Sallow and Miss Smith to the hospital wing. Officially, neither of you are involved, but I'd still like to hear your version of events."

His father passed Andrew the plate of food, wiped his hands on a napkin, then pulled out his parchment and quill. It took Andrew a moment to remember Noreen was Nurse Blainey's first name. A faint unease swept him as he watched his father drawing a line on the paper, dividing the existing notes from the rest of the page.

Ominis, Andrew, and, to a certain extent, a shell-shocked Sebastian had discussed what they would tell the Nurse on their way out of the forest. Andrew had been preoccupied carrying Elizabeth - who was surprisingly heavy, with dense muscle built up from whatever she got up to - so Ominis had pried out of Sebastian that it had been the Ashwinders that had done this to them. Andrew and Ominis agreed it would be best if they did not mention the fact all of them had been in the Forbidden Forest as it was, unsurprisingly, forbidden, and Andrew especially wanted to avoid trouble. In fact, it was he who suggested they say they had been on the road to Hogsmeade, thinking of his father's warning, and knowing Garreth knew they had planned to head into Hogsmeade anyways. It was practically the truth anyways, Andrew reasoned.

"Ominis and I were headed to the Three Broomsticks when we ran into Sebastian," Andrew said with a shrug. "He was in pretty rough shape, and he was carrying Elizabeth. She looked... dead. I checked her over quickly, then we escorted them to the hospital wing. Not much to it."

"You didn't see any of what happened?" His father asked, jotting down what Andrew had said.

"No, nothing," Andrew said.

His father looked up at him, looking thoughtful.

"Noreen said you all arrived rather late in the evening," his father said, his gaze sharpening with his next question. "Why did you head out so late?"

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