Chapter 76 - The Gift of Life

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Tuesday morning found Ominis slumped at the Slytherin table, head resting on his arms, half asleep. The exhaustion from dancing late into the night still hung over him like a heavy cloak, weighing him down. He had no classes that day, and all he wanted was a few extra hours of sleep. However, some bloody idiot had woken him up so he could talk his ear off about his birthday plans.

"I still don't know what to get Anne," Sebastian was fretting. "Nothing I can think of seems adequate."

"Sebastian -"

"Even the shawl I got her last year," Sebastian continued, "I do see her wearing it, but what if she's just being polite?"

"Sebastian -"

"And everyone gets her books, which, I know all books are different, but... it's not very exciting."

Ominis just sighed and closed his ears to the words. If Sebastian didn't want advice, then he would just leave him to worry. He was nearly dozing off when someone took the seat beside him. This alone would've been enough to irritate him - there were plenty of empty seats this morning, many of the older students taking proper advantage of free periods to sleep in - but the icing on the cake was that they sat close enough they brushed against his side.

As he sat up, however, he heard Sebastian say, "Oh, good morning Grace."

Surprise shot through him, as effective as a cup of coffee, and Ominis hurriedly dug his wand out of his pocket, to find that it was, in fact, Grace. He thanked his lucky stars that Sebastian had said something.

"Good morning," Ominis said as well, "How are you?"

"Tired," she said, and gave a long, bone-weary sigh, relaxing against him, the contact shocking him further. "Last night was... intense."

Sebastian cleared his throat. "Well, I see Lizzie is heading off to Ancient Runes, so I'll leave you two to it. I wanted to ask her for gift ideas anyways." Then, more happily, he added as he stood, "Maybe she'll let me carry her bag for her."

Ominis listened to his retreating footsteps, a small grin creeping onto his face.

"Were you trying to give him the wrong idea?" Ominis asked, holding in a laugh.

"Maybe," Grace said impishly.

He shook his head, chuckling. This was certainly a new side to Grace, one he hadn't seen before.

"I wanted to thank you," Grace said quietly, more somber now. "For last night, and... everything."

"Of course," Ominis said easily.

"No, really," Grace insisted, and he felt her hand on his arm. "I never wanted you to find out but... I'm glad you did. Thank you for saying what I needed to hear."

She sounded sincere, though her voice turned towards sadness as she spoke. He itched to wrap an arm around her, to give her another hug and show his support in a way beyond inadequate words, but he held back, unsure how it would be received.

While he hesitated, she took a deep breath, and sounded more upbeat when she said, "It does feel like I have a little room to breathe now. It's refreshing."

Ominis smiled. "I'm sorry that I found out the way I did but, I'm glad that we could talk things through."

Grace shifted next to him, and he heard the clink of silverware against a plate. She must be getting herself some food.

"I do still have to talk things out with Addie, but that should be - looks like you have an owl, Ominis."

As she finished speaking, he heard the clatter of the bird landing on the table. He often wished wizards of old had chosen less... silent birds. He took the letter, tapping the outside with his wand. His stomach churned as his father's name was read out, his heart beating faster as he wondered what the man could possibly want now.

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