Chapter 97: Branches

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Previously:The crew said goodbye to the Larsons and Malfoys and headed back to Britain. Gregorovitch joined them, and practiced Galdric's spell during the trip. Upon arrival, they headed to St. Mungo's. They performed the spell under supervision, and Sebastian initially thought that the curse remained, until a healer announced that it had broken



The word was dizzying, so much so that Sebastian swayed on the spot for a brief moment. The joyous gasps and celebrations of others in the room seemed distant, like a faint murmur in the background.

"Show me," he said, voice shaking as he spun back towards the healers. "Show me how you know."

The healer beckoned him over, quickly showing him the spell she used to detect the curse. Sebastian repeated the movement and incantation and... nothing. Had it truly worked? Sebastian finally, slowly, looked up to meet Anne's gaze. Her hands were pressed over her mouth, tears welled up in her eyes, and she nodded at him. Broken.

The magnitude of what had just occurred hit Sebastian like a tidal wave. Sebastian's knees gave way, and he sank to the ground beside Anne's bed. Tears of joy and disbelief welled up in his own eyes, streaming down his cheeks as he buried his face in her blanket. He felt one of her hands fumbling for his, and he took it.

"Anne..." He looked up to find Ominis had joined them, his voice cracking as he said, "Thank Merlin."

Sebastian was shocked to see tears in Ominis' eyes as well. He wasn't sure exactly how it happened, but the next thing he knew, Ominis had pulled them both into a messy, tearful hug. It was an awkward, fragile embrace, with Anne still in the bed, but it didn't matter. They clung to each other. Sebastian could barely believe that she was free from the curse's grip.

"I promised, didn't I?" Sebastian managed to whisper, his voice thick with emotion.

Sebastian felt hollow, but in an oddly good way. There was still worry there, of course, but it was so minor compared to how he had lived the last few years, it left him feeling light. He and Ominis still sat on Anne's bed while the head healer spoke with them.

"It will take a few weeks, perhaps a couple months, to be sure the curse is truly broken, and to bring your body back into a better condition," he was explaining. "Of course, you're free to leave if you wish, Miss Sallow, but I would advise against it."

Anne nodded.

"Will I... Will I recover completely?"

"It's hard to say," He said, giving her a kind smile. "But I believe so. For now, just take it easy - you've been through a lot. I'll leave you three to it then. Call for me if you experience any pain or other issues."

"Wait," Anne said suddenly, her hand on Sebastian's arm tightening as she looked to him. "Could you - Could the spell be used to help Mrs. Pritchard as well? The hex on her, it went wrong, like the curse on me."

Sebastian straightened as he realized - it could. He looked to the healer inquiringly. The healer paused, considering. They, of course, couldn't confirm any long term effects of this method of spell breaking right now, but, maybe...

"We can ask," the head healer said at last. "If she consents, we may as well proceed."

Anne's face lit up when she smiled. The healer changed direction, heading for Mrs. Pritchard's bed. Sebastian found himself smiling as well.

"I should find Gregorovitch," Sebastian said, standing with a sigh. "If we're going to do the spell again."

"I think they went upstairs for tea," Ominis offered.

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