Chapter 22 - Clashes, Cures, Quidditch

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Anne and Sebastian talked for a long time. There was a light in her eyes as she asked for details on the life at Hogwarts that she was missing.

"How is Dinah doing? She stops by from time to time but..."

"Professor Hecat? She's doing well - working us to the bone with nonverbal spell work though."

"Is Peeves still being a terror?"

"Of course. Just last week he emptied an entire barrel of pumpkin juice in the entrance hall. You should have heard everyone's shoes squeaking and sticking."

Though, it wasn't all so lighthearted.

"How is Ominis?"

"He's... actually in the hospital wing right now."

Anne gasped.

"Oh no, why? What happened? Is he okay?"

Grimacing, Sebastian explained about Marvolo attacking him the night of Halloween and caught her up on the letters and threats. He didn't tell her about Marvolo placing him under the Imperius curse, though. The heartbreak in her eyes was already enough.

"Oh Merlin. Poor Ominis, I can't even imagine what he's going through." She sighed and was quiet for a while, fidgeting with the shawl before asking another question. "What about your new friend, that new student? How is she doing?"

Sebastian fought to keep the jealousy out of his voice as he answered.

"She's doing well, or at least as well as expected after last year. And she's dating Andrew Larson."

"Ah, good for her. He was always nice."

Sebastian clenched his jaw, ever so slightly, but Anne noticed. She gave him an appraising look.

"You like her, don't you?"

Sebastian sighed and ran his hand through his hair. There was no use in lying to Anne, not about this. She knew him too well.

"I do," he said, "It hurts that she picked him... especially after everything she and I went through together."

"She turned you down?" Anne asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Well... not exactly. I never got a chance to ask."

Anne gave his arm a feeble smack.

"You idiot," she said, "You can't not ask a girl out, then pout when she dates someone else. Knowing you, you had plenty of chances and just never took them."

Sebastian smiled wryly, and Anne attempted a weak grin in return.

"Well, I certainly won't make that mistake next time," he said, then amended, "If there is a next time."

Before Anne replied, she gasped, doubling over and clutching at her side with a silent cry. Sebastian's heart clenched with a familiar fear as he jumped to his feet, reaching out to help her. Anne waved him off, reaching for a bottle on the nightstand with shaking hands. He passed it to her, watching with trepidation as she took a sip. Her breathing was ragged, and Sebastian could see her fingers digging into her skin as she tried to distract herself from the pain. He felt as helpless as ever. After a few moments she began to relax, the tension fading and her breathing returning to normal.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

It was a stupid question, of course she wasn't. But there was nothing better to ask. She nodded, and Sebastian slowly sank back onto the bed.

"How are you doing here?" he asked, his voice quiet. "You... look worse."

He hated to say it. Hated the look in her eyes. But he had to know.

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