Chapter 82: Struggle and Storm

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Elizabeth and Ominis waited to meet Aria at the Three Broomsticks. The weather was horrendous, sleet and freezing rain coming down with unrelenting enthusiasm, but Elizabeth was comfortably bundled in her favorite cloak. She was currently amusing herself by watching Ominis. He was like a cat on a hot tin roof, unable to sit still, fidgeting with his ring, the hem of his sleeve, the edge of the bar - anything his hands could reach, really. A few times he looked like he might say something, but thought better of it. Elizabeth found this rather endearing, whatever it was, and felt a little smile on her lips.

Eventually, she broke the silence and asked, "Are you alright? You seem... restless."

Ominis immediately stilled and produced a smile. "Ah, yes, I'm fine, thank you."

Elizabeth rested her cheek on her hand and contemplated him.

"Is everything still going alright with Grace?" She asked.

"Yes, we're fine, thank you."

Elizabeth only raised an eyebrow and let the awkward silence stretch because Does he only have one response?

Eventually he cleared his throat and asked, "Do you have any particular plans for the Ravenclaw match next weekend?"

"Oh," Elizabeth said, surprised by this choice of topic. "Yes, Mason wanted to hang out."

Ominis' eyebrows shot up. "Mason? I see. Well, perhaps I'll see you there then. Not my favorite activity, you know - but I'd like to show my support for Andrew. I know he's been working hard... The fact he's out practicing in this weather, honestly."

Elizabeth blinked at the sudden rambling, but Ominis was cut short as Aria joined them at long last, her cloak an indeterminate dark color as it dripped water and ice on the floor. She looked rather sullen, but brightened fractionally when Elizabeth waved.

"Are you lot sure you wouldn't rather just... send an owl to this Gregorovitch bloke?" She asked as she fished her wand out of a sodden pocket. "I don't imagine this is the last time we'll see this type of weather on our little jaunt across the North Sea."

"We did consider that, but no, it likely wouldn't work," Elizabeth said with a sigh, then stood. "I hate to do this, being that you just got here, but shall we head out?"

It was to muggle London they apparated, and, after they stopped briefly at Gringotts to exchange some of the school's galleons for muggle money, Elizabeth led them to a shop she had visited several times before. By the time they entered the store, they were all soaking wet - Elizabeth slightly less so thanks to the impervius charm woven into her cloak - and the clerk that greeted them looked rather horrified at the water puddling around their feet. This was no upscale tailor, the shop selling mostly ready-to-wear garments for the average, working-class patron, but it was still an incredibly rude amount of water they had tracked in. So they apologized profusely, and when the clerk had disappeared into the back for a mop, they each used a quick drying charm to get themselves halfway dry, though not too dry. The shop was empty besides themselves, all sensible people taking shelter indoors, so as the clerk began to mop up after them, Aria turned to Elizabeth.

"Right, I only know the basics of muggle clothing that Penny's mother taught me," she said, clapping her hands together eagerly. "So, what do we need?"

Elizabeth looked between her and Ominis and sighed deeply, realizing she'd been stuck with two purebloods for this outing. So, she ran them through the basics of what made up an everyday outfit, and how they might add to it to make it more suitable for the trip. They didn't need too terribly much in the way of clothes per person, as it would only take a day or two, three at most, to cross on the ship but they still needed clothes enough for the five of them. Aria ended up sending Ominis to look for hats, gloves, and scarves, and Elizabeth heard him muttering under his breath as he went about how it wasn't so easy to find things in a shop with only a cane. Elizabeth and Aria spoke of small things while they worked, the rain lashing against the windows providing the perfect cover for their words.

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