Chapter 93: Interlude

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Ominis spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about relationships, especially as of late. They were one of those things he knew he shouldn't entertain, yet were too tempting to ignore - well, one specifically. And the only thing holding him back was himself, really. There was no cosmic law decreeing that he couldn't be in a relationship, only his own hang ups about his family and blood. So, he'd gone out on that limb - told Elizabeth about his situation, and had asked her on a date. This date - where she was now sitting across from him in a little cafe. And... he felt an inexorable dread pressing down on him. Was he doing the right thing? What if he hadn't been clear on things? Did she have feelings for him? What would -

"What's eating at you?" Elizabeth asked.

Ominis' fingers stilled on his ring as he was pulled back from the chasm of his contemplations by her question.

"Nothing too serious," he said, fishing about to find his mug of bitter coffee. "Is there anything you'd like to do after we finish here?"

He heard her take a sip of her tea, taking a moment to think.

"Well," she said measuredly, "I'd like to hear what's on your mind."

Ominis couldn't help the wry smile that found its way onto his face.

"I see you're not to be deterred," he said, then sighed. "It's not exactly a light topic, but if you insist...?"

"I do."

It was Ominis' turn to take a sip of coffee - and to try not to show how much he disliked it - while he put his thoughts in order. Did he want to reveal his thoughts? He probably should, and it would give him some peace of mind, but it wasn't exactly pleasant conversation for a date. Alternatively, he could brush it off as concern for Sebastian or Anne, or he might say he was dwelling on Gregorovitch - which wasn't strictly untrue...

"It's about us - this date," he said, settling on the actual truth. "Like I said on the ship, I am going to marry Grace, and so if we decide to court... well, it would have to be kept secret and we couldn't marry - I just... are you certain you're okay with that?"

As he spoke, Ominis felt tension winding tighter and tighter in his chest, making him stumble and utterly fail to articulate his thoughts properly. His grip on his mug was hard, and he had to consciously focus to loosen it. Elizabeth gave a little laugh, and he felt her fingers brush over his, pulling them from the cup and into her grasp.

"I thought about it quite a lot since we spoke, actually," she finally said, her voice reassuring. "And, I believe I am. My life has already been wildly unconventional in all aspects, so I may as well do what makes me happy."

She gave his hand a little squeeze, and Ominis felt the coiled tension begin to relax slightly. The thought that she had dwelled on this - on him - as something that made her happy... it warmed his very soul.

"I do have one question," Elizabeth said, "What about our friends? Grace knows, obviously, and we doubtless can't keep it from Aria... but what about Sebastian or Andrew?"

Despite the fact he'd nearly had a heart attack at her initial statement, Ominis stilled. He had been so preoccupied with the broader picture, he hadn't considered the details. The more people who knew, the more likely it was to get out - to get back to his father, or Grace's parents, and then Anne would likely be in danger. However, if they withheld their relationship from their friends... Well, they would want to know. Besides, when would they ever be able to be close? Would their time be limited to whenever they could sneak off? Sebastian would certainly be suspicious if they did that. That said, Merlin knew Sebastian could keep a secret when he needed to.

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