Chapter 46 - Velvet Whispers

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Some housekeeping first, it's long, apologies. You're welcome to skip down to the chapter.

First, a new blurb for the new book:

As the trio finishes their sixth year at Hogwarts, Elizabeth's tangled relationships and Sebastian's pursuit of the Elder Wand set off a chain of events and bring new dangers. As Elizabeth battles her own mind and seeks revenge on Nathaniel Rookwood, Sebastian's quest for a cure intertwines with an unexpected event. Meanwhile, Ominis' resolve is tested in new ways. Secrets, danger, and redemption collide in their seventh and final year at Hogwarts.

Will Elizabeth be able to reclaim her sanity? Will Sebastian answer for his actions, past and present? Will Nathaniel Rookwood and the Ashwinders be brought to justice? What do I plan to do to poor Ominis now? And of course, the question you all have at the center of your concerns... Will the trio be able to pass their N.E.W.T.s and get well-paying jobs??
Just kidding - of course, you are wondering: What of romance?

Next, a recap of the first "Book" for those who want a refresher:

- Elizabeth struggled with returning to the muggle world, Sebastian and Ominis eventually intervening. Elizabeth helped Sebastian look into possible cures, like phoenix tears.
- Upon their return to Hogwarts, Andrew Larson quickly asked Elizabeth out (and to join the Quidditch team), winning her over by seeing her as a person and listening to her. Sebastian quickly became jealous.
- Ominis' family threatened him, wanting *something* back - he later realized that this was his ring, and Elizabeth noted that it possessed ancient magic. Meanwhile, Elizabeth also began receiving threatening letters.
- Sebastian continued to try and weasel his way between Andrew and Elizabeth while the Trio researched Galdric the Wise, ultimately delving into his tomb and finding both a powerful curse-breaking spell and information on double cored wands.
- The spell could not be cast by ordinary wands (too powerful) or double cored wands (too complex) leading Sebastian to mention the Elder Wand, and the trio realized they possessed the resurrection stone, which Ominis subsequently gave up to keep away from Elizabeth and Sebastian.
- Sebastian ultimately broke up Elizabeth and Andrew, but was cut off by Elizabeth. She and Ominis drew closer, but Ominis refused to admit his feelings because of a vow to never marry.
- Sebastian was suspicious of the new Magical Theory professor. After Elizabeth's birthday visit to her muggle friend Mary, Mary was kidnapped and the Professor disappeared as well.
- Sebastian and Elizabeth were captured in their attempt to rescue Mary, and Elizabeth tortured until her mind broke. Sebastian took Elizabeth's confusion as an opportunity to manipulate her, and continues to do so. Mary was remarkably unaffected by her own torture, thanks to a selfish memory wipe by Sebastian, though the effects are still unclear.

I would like to note, Sebastian and Elizabeth's relationship is NOT healthy and I do not condone such relationships in real life.

And I suppose, for this chapter:

CONTENT WARNING: Manipulation, Kissing (Just a bit more than usual but)

And now onto the chapter:

After the end of term feast - in which Professor Black said bid them all "Good Riddance" instead of "Goodbye" - Elizabeth packed up her trunk and met Sebastian and Ominis on the front lawn to fly back to Feldcroft. Despite Sebastian grumbling the entire way about flying instead of apparating, the trip back was uneventful. However, once again, Sebastian's house was dusty, full of that distinctly unlived-in feeling.

As they got to work, Elizabeth rolled up her sleeves to begin rinsing dishes and wiping things down, but something felt off. Ominis was opening windows and doors to get a breeze going and refresh the air, and Sebastian was pulling out clean bedding. Elizabeth glanced around, trying to put her finger on the feeling. By the time she was on her third dish, she realized what it was - the ancient magic scars on her forearms were gone, her skin looked smooth. Gingerly, she set down the dish, running a hand over her skin. She sighed as the movement washed away the illusion, her fingers brushing over very real the scars that wound around in a tangling web.

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