Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley

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When Elizabeth entered the Leaky Cauldron, she found a number of witches and wizards seated at tables, eating, drinking, and gossiping. There was a pair of women she thought she recognized from Keenbridge knitting in a corner. She approached the barkeep, who was a plump old witch with a kind smile.

"Good morning," said the witch, "What can I get for you today?"

"Good morning," Elizabeth replied. "Actually, I was just wondering how to get to Diagon Alley, it's my first time."

"Ah! Not to worry, right this way dear."

The witch led Elizabeth through the pub and out a back door to a neat courtyard ringed by a high brick wall and planters of flowers.

"Now, see this brick here? All you've got to do is tap it three times with your wand," the witch said. "Go on now, give it a try."

Elizabeth obliged, pulling out her wand and tapping the nondescript brick the woman had indicated. The brick wiggled in place, then a small hole appeared in it, growing wider and wider until it formed a complete archway. Beyond stretched a winding cobbled street lined with shops and bustling with witches and wizards wearing cloaks. Elizabeth grinned.

"Magnificent, isn't it," the witch said, smiling as well. "Have fun!"

Elizabeth thanked her, then set off. There was so much to look at, there were even more shops here than in Hogsmeade. She saw gleaming copper cauldrons, cages of cats, and even what looked suspiciously like a real troll leg that had been turned into an umbrella stand. Elizabeth wandered down the street, reveling in the familiar chaos of the wizarding world. She had missed hearing folks argue about quidditch teams, missed seeing the riot of colorful robes, and had even missed the cacophony of smells that wafted out of open shop doors.

There was no shortage of things to browse, but a gleaming, white marble building caught her eye. It was Gringotts, the Wizarding Bank. She hesitated outside its front steps. Elizabeth had been thinking for a while about this: the smart thing to do would be to open an account there - like the vast majority of wizards possessed. She had amassed a good bit of money between running errands for her fellow students and other witches and wizards during the school year, and what she had found while snooping around tombs and ruins. However, the thought of once again entering the cave systems beneath the ground made her jittery. She couldn't forget watching Ranrok murder the poor goblin who had shown them to Vault 12. How safe was Gringotts, really? In the end, Elizabeth decided to hold off on opening an account. She would simply have to safeguard her money herself.

Further down the street, Elizabeth saw where the road branched off to a noticeably more rundown section with a sign reading "Knockturn Alley". Though Diagon Alley continued further as well, Elizabeth decided to turn back - she had had her fill of Dark Wizards last year, and she'd heard the rumors about Knockturn Alley.

Heading back in the direction of the Leaky Cauldron, Elizabeth spotted a storefront with a large display of herbs and a sign proclaiming the establishment as "The Secret Ingredient - Providers of herbs and quality potion ingredients since 1702." She withdrew Garreth's list and consulted it. Asphodel root, Angel's Trumpet, Fire Seeds, Nightshade, and Venomous Tentacula leaves were all things she could likely find here, though that list would raise some eyebrows. Poisonous and dangerous plants all around. Luckily, the shop owner, a jovial middle-aged wizard in blindingly white robes with orange trim, seemed unphased by her order, and even gave her a sample of rose oil.

As she exited the store, swatting hanging tendrils of vine out of her way, she spotted a familiar figure walking by on the street.


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