Chapter 44 - Memories Unraveled

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"Mary's awake."

Ominis felt a wave of relief wash over him, but that didn't completely assuage his fears.

"How is she?" He asked.

"Well," Aria said hesitantly, "She, er, thinks Penny and I kidnapped her. Penny's watching her now."

Ominis stood, ready to go see Elizabeth's friend, but he hesitated.

"She's probably confused - she doesn't know either of you," Ominis said, "I'd come talk to her, but... well, the stairs."

Aria swore. "I forgot about that. Let's bring her over to your room. Meet us there."

"Okay," Ominis said, "Maybe give her one of your robes, so she blends in more."

Aria snorted. "She'd be swimming in my robes, but I can ask Penny."

Ominis was pacing in his room, wishing Elizabeth was here, when the door opened. He halted, his wand telling him three people had entered.

"Oh, thank the Lord!" Mary's voice was heavy with relief.

She flung her arms around Ominis, who stiffened at the unexpected hug.

"I thought for sure they were lying," Mary said softly, "I was so scared. I'm glad you're here."

Ominis gingerly extricated himself from Mary's arms.

"It's good to see you awake, Mary," he said, "I'm sorry we scared you. How are you?"

"I'm alright."

She trailed off as he steered her to his bed, which she perched on the edge of. She was hesitating, so Ominis turned towards Aria and Penny, who seemed to be waiting nervously by the door.

"Thank you both, for everything," he said, "But do you mind giving us a minute?"

"Of course," Aria said, "Come on Penny."

Ominis took a seat on Sebastian's bed, facing Mary.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions," he said, offering her a wry smile. "I'll try my best to answer them, but, are you sure you're feeling okay? I can't imagine what you've been through."

If Sebastian was telling the truth, she'd been subjected to the Cruciatus Curse at the very least, but it felt impudent to say that he did know how she might be feeling. The circumstances were wildly different, after all.

"Thank you," Mary said politely. "But I feel perfectly fine, a little sore, but no more than after a day of hard cleaning at the church... And... Are we really underwater?"

Ominis frowned. She seemed very much unphased for someone who had been kidnapped and tortured.

"Yes, we are," he said slowly, "Mary, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Oh, well," Mary hesitated once more. "Some men broke into the orphanage and... they grabbed me. The last thing I remember is being hauled outside, and one pointed one of those at me."

Ominis realized he was turning his wand over in his hands, and held it up.

"One of these?"

"Yes," Mary said. "I saw Elizabeth with one several times... I assume it's more than just a stick?"

"Indeed - it's a wand," Ominis said, then paused, unsure how much to tell her - about the magical world, or about what had happened to her. "So you don't remember anything that happened afterwards? After the men took you?"

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