Chapter 59 - Forgivable Curses

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Ominis and Andrew left charms together Wednesday evening, heading down to dinner together. Ominis could hear Sebastian and Elizabeth speaking as they walked nearby, but couldn't make out their words over Andrew, who was chatting with Hector Fawley on his other side. Ominis didn't think he'd ever said a single word to Fawley during their seven years at Hogwarts, mostly because he was a bit of a moonmind, and friends with Leander besides - whom Ominis had only recently began to tolerate, for Elizabeth's sake. Besides, he was from one of the old pure-blood families, which Ominis usually avoided on principle.

"Did you get in much flying practice this summer?" Andrew was asking.

Ominis had listened to many conversations about Quidditch the last few days as Andrew tried to drum up people for tryouts. His options for conversation were rather limited these days - either Quidditch with Andrew, or Potions with Garreth. At least around Andrew, there were fewer explosions and foul smells.

"Well, I may have given up after a few... mishaps, you could say," Fawley admitted, sounding sheepish. "But thank you for the tips last year, Andrew."

Ominis smiled wryly to himself, he knew too well how unpleasant flying could be if it wasn't your forte, and he'd heard that Fawley was almost as bad as Leander on a broom. Andrew chuckled, and it sounded like he clapped Fawley on the back.

"No worries, Hector. Flying isn't for everyone. But you've got a knack for something else, I'm sure. Maybe your talents lie in Charms, or politics."

"I was planning on going into the Ministry," Fawley said, "So here's hoping I do have a knack for politics. If I hear of anyone who might be interested in the team though, I'll send them your way."

"I'd appreciate it," Andrew said, "We need a new beater, and I'm replacing Marjorie if I can. Lovely girl, but..."

Ominis' ear was caught by another conversation as his wand picked up two small figures passing them in the opposite direction.

"I don't know, Albus, I think we took a wrong turn," One of the figures was saying.

Ominis hesitated. He still wanted to speak with the young Dumbledore, especially now that he'd heard a little bit more about him through the rumor mill. Usually he would have asked Sebastian to keep an eye out for the kid and let him know when it seemed like a good opportunity to talk, but, well. Ominis wasn't sure he and Andrew were close enough to bother him with that.

"Hey, Andrew," Ominis said, interrupting their continued conversation. "There's something I need to do, I'll see you tomorrow."

"What? Okay," Andrew said, and he gave Ominis' arm a friendly swat. "I'll see you later then, bud."

Ominis turned, concentrating on what his wand was telling him as he tried to find the two small figures in the busy hall again. Still, he managed to hear what Fawley whispered to Andrew.

"Why is Gaunt hanging around you anyways?"

"Does he need a reason?" Andrew responded rather sharply. "He's my friend."

The simple statement resonated deeply with Ominis. He had had his reservations about Andrew last year, but he'd proven to be genuine and kind, and Ominis was pleased to hear Andrew also considered them friends. He'd had a nagging doubt that Andrew was simply tolerating him, that he was perhaps too polite or too nervous to tell Ominis to leave off. A small smile crept onto his lips as he caught up to the two figures.

"Albus Dumbledore? Might I have a word?" Ominis asked and the two figures stopped, turning towards him. "I'm Ominis, Ominis... Gaunt."

Ominis cringed, wishing he could just leave off his last name.

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