Chapter 52 - Owl Post Again

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Sebastian was roused from a deep sleep, unsure what disturbed him. As his eyes fluttered open and he blinked away the heavy fog that had settled over his mind and eyes, he found his body still aching and exhausted from the Cruciatus Curse. Once more, he thought of Lizzie, what she had endured and then kept going. A newfound respect for her burned in him. He stretched tentatively, taking in the morning light and the sounds of his sleeping friends - had he really slept so long? The stretch made his muscles scream in protest, but somehow felt relieving at the same time.

There was a sharp rap at the door, and Sebastian sat bolt upright in alarm. He winced, his teeth clenched tightly together, suppressing the instinctive hiss of pain that threatened to escape his lips. But as his senses sharpened, he realized that the knocking at the door had been what disturbed his deep sleep. Nerves ate at him, though it could just be Mr. Marsh, ready with another chore for him to do. But it could be someone worse - like Silas Larson. Ominis hadn't stirred at the sound, and Lizzie deserved to sleep, so Sebastian swung his legs off the edge of his bed, his body protesting the movement. With a deep breath, he stood, wincing, as another knock came, more insistent.

"I'm coming," Sebastian called, his voice so hoarse he wasn't sure if the visitor could hear it.

Pushing through the pain the movement caused, Sebastian swung a cloak over his nightclothes and padded softly to the door. The moment he pulled it open, his heart gave a funny lurch in his chest. Silas Larson soon outside, hand poised as though to knock again. Sebastian's mouth felt suddenly dry, and panic swirled to life, threatening to consume him. He rubbed his eyes, hoping the sleep that still clouded them was playing tricks on him.

"Mr. Larson," Sebastian said with a shaky breath. "To what do I owe this visit?"

Sebastian leaned against the door frame, folding his arms. Silas seemed rather taken aback at his appearance.

"It seems I owe you another apology for my timing, Mr. Sallow," he said with a small smile. "I thought it late enough in the morning for a visit."

Offering Silas a charming, if not tired, smile, Sebastian replied, "Ah, sir, you know how we teenagers are. Now, what can I do for you? You'll apologize if I don't invite you in, the others are still sleeping."

Sebastian gestured over his shoulder and saw Silas' eyes follow the movement, peering into the room beyond. Sebastian hoped the man hadn't noticed his hand shaking.

"Quite understandable, perhaps we should talk outside then," Silas said, "I have a few more questions for you."

Sebastian felt unease flicker in his chest at the request. What more could Silas have to ask him? But he knew he couldn't refuse, avoidance would only serve to raise suspicions. Besides, last time Silas had only pushed more in the face of Sebastian's attempts to skirt whatever conversation he wanted to have. Sebastian nodded curtly, feeling Silas' eyes roaming his face. Silently, he cursed, realizing he was probably still in a right state from yesterday, despite the dittany. Briefly, he debated putting on shoes, but didn't want Silas to see his pain when bending over, so he stepped outside barefoot. Morning dew chilled his feet instantly - it was still early enough that it hadn't burned away.

Sebastian hesitated, then led Silas around towards the back of the house towards a picnic table there. But Silas paused, staring at the grave by the side of the house. Sebastian stopped as well, his heart skipping a beat.

"My sister, Anne, chose the stone," Sebastian said quietly.

"I... didn't realize Solomon was buried here," Silas said, a mixture of surprise, curiosity, and grief playing across his features as he read the gravestone.

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