Chapter 91: Cold Shoulder

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Sebastian spent the morning in an anxious, anticipatory haze. Mihkel had given him a piece of paper the previous day with instructions on how to find Gregorovitch's shop, and Sebastian studied it obsessively. He knew they would simply take it with them, but he couldn't help it. He was itching for action, and that was the most he could do until the others were ready to leave. Andrew and Maren were chatting away in Norwegian on a couch in the living room, and Sebastian was trying to tune them out when Elizabeth finally trudged down the stairs. She and Aria had kicked the boys out of the attic so they could change for the day. As soon as she rounded the corner into the living space, Ominis turned towards her, drawn by that spell of his, undoubtedly. Sebastian shot to his feet, ready to go - until he saw that Aria, who was hot on Elizabeth's heels, also looked as if she were dressed to go out.

"No," Sebastian said immediately, shaking his head. "I told you, you're not coming."

"I'm your chaperone," Aria said pointedly. "I'm supposed to come."

"You yourself said you weren't really our chaperone," Sebastian said, hearing the edge of irritation in his own voice. "So stop trying to play that card - we agreed a large group might alarm Gregorovitch. We're sticking to the plan - just myself, Elizabeth, and Ominis, remember?"

Privately, the three of them had also decided to avoid exposing the existence of the Elder Wand to Aria and Andrew - besides, it was likely to throw a wrench in things if they didn't believe the stories. Andrew sat up at Sebastian's words, frowning.

"I don't remember agreeing to that," he said.

"You're not coming either," Sebastian said, glaring at him.

"What if you need a translator?" Andrew protested.

"Mihkel said Gregorovitch speaks English well enough," Maren supplied, cutting in with a shrug.

Sebastian gestured at her and said, "See - we'll be fine."

"I really don't think you three should go alone," Aria said, frowning. "Andrew can stay or come with, whatever he wants, but I'm coming. I'm supposed to keep my eye on you, and Merlin knows you need it."

Sebastian's patience was wearing thin. He was itching to get out the door.

"No," he snapped, anger flashing to life in his chest. "This is important. I said neither of you are coming, and that's final. I don't have time to debate this anymore." He stared her down, and when she sighed, he turned to Elizabeth and Ominis. "Come on, let's get going."

"Don't worry," Ominis said to Aria with a wry smile. "We'll keep him out of trouble."

She didn't look convinced, watching them leave with her arms crossed loosely. Andrew exchanged a concerned look with Maren, but didn't protest further. Sebastian shot one last look at them before he led the way outside.

Gregorovitch's shop wasn't as far as Mihkel had made it sound. It was a bright, sunny day, but chilly enough that the snow stayed solidly in place. Isvik was bustling with activity, more people out on the streets than they'd seen yet. Sebastian followed Mihkel's directions carefully, and they made their way out of town, following a winding road into the surrounding hills. Evergreen trees rose around them as they entered the forest, and eventually the road split. Like the directions said, one path took them over a stone bridge, and a few turns later, they were there. Nestled into the stony hills was a house with a fairly large outbuilding that wasn't quite a barn. Sebastian couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous excitement as he gazed at the sign above the outbuilding's entrance. Gregorovitch Zauberstäbe was proclaimed in bold, elegant lettering. This was it - the place where he might finally come face to face with the Elder Wand - this might be the end of his search, the result of countless hours of research and sheer luck.

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