Chapter 27 - Double Knot

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A/N: if you didn't see - I actually edited the last chapter, apologies to those who read the 4:30am version lol. Not too much changed, story-wise. The biggest change was I added some dialogue to the argument at the end. Nothing critical, but figured I'd mention it.

Elizabeth settled in the Ravenclaw section of the stands, sitting between Amit and Poppy, who, along with Natty, were supporting Ravenclaw. Across the field, Elizabeth liked to think she could make out Sebastian and Ominis in the sea of green. She found herself feeling rather anxious, it would likely be a close match - Imelda and her team were very good, but Andrew and the Ravenclaw team had been working hard. As the teams took their places on the field, Lucan picked up the commentary.

"This is bound to be an exciting match, arguably the two best teams in the school this year, and both tied for overall points! Whoever wins this match will walk out on top of the board."

As before, Madam Kogawa started the match, tossing the quaffle into the air.

"And they're off -- Imelda snatches the Quaffle seconds before Larson can get his hands on it -- Imelda headed towards the goal -- Passing to Barrows -- Excellent bludger by Felix Danvers! Barrows drops the Quaffle -- Ravenclaw in possession, Longbottom passes to Ames -- There go the Ravenclaw chasers, a perfect Hawkshead formation again -- Ouch, a bludger from Ibis nearly knocks Ames off her broom. Slytherin in possession, Sophia Morgan with the Quaffle."

Elizabeth realized she was chewing her nail again. This back and forth wasn't great. Andrew wanted a quick game, but the more decisive, the better.

"Morgan passes to Imelda -- Larson goes in for an intercept -- And Imelda loops him masterfully -- Slytherin to shoot on goal -- Oh! She fakes left and the keeper falls for it, Slytherin scores, 10-0 to Slytherin. Tough luck Marjorie."

The Slytherin section broke out in cheers, nearly drowning Lucan out. Elizabeth sighed, Marjorie was the weak link on the team. Althea, the Ravenclaw seeker, was circling high above the game, watching for the snitch, and Elizabeth saw Mason Blackwell trailing behind her, though several dozen feet lower.

"The Ravenclaw chasers are running like a well oiled machine, look at those passes - perfect! -- Another bludger from Ibis, but, oh dear, it's gone a bit wide. -- Larson shoots -- He scores! The game is tied, 10 to 10."

Elizabeth cheered and clapped with those around her, but didn't take her eyes off the game.

"Oh my, looks like Althea Rivers has spotted the snitch! Blackwell is hot on her heels!"

Althea was streaking down the pitch, Mason mere feet behind her. She was suddenly forced to veer off course, a bludger passing so close that Elizabeth was sure it had hit her.

"What a bludger from Henry Rivers of Slytherin - talk about sibling rivalry! Looks as though they've lost the snitch -- Oh, and there goes Imelda, leading the charge towards the Ravenclaw goalposts -- Reyes passes to Barrows -- Close call there with a bludger from Danvers of Ravenclaw -- Barrows passes to Morgan -- She shoots -- And the Quaffle is intercepted by Larson! What a fancy bit of flying -- He's streaking off towards the Slytherin end, and Imelda looks ready to murder -- Larson passes to Longbottom -- Longbottom passes up the field to Ames -- She shoots, and she scores! 20-10 to Ravenclaw. Better luck next time Nott, that would have been quite the save!"

The game continued at a positively frantic pace. Elizabeth noticed that the Ravenclaw chasers were making a concerted effort to stop the Quaffle from making it to Marjorie. This strategy certainly worked, stopping most of the goals Slytherin attempted, but it looked like it was wearing on the chasers. All the same, Ravenclaw quickly took the lead.

When it was 60 to 30, Slytherin started playing dirty. Slytherin chaser Dale Barrows grabbed Andrew's broom by the tail, stopping him from intercepting a pass, and Imelda flew straight at Felix Danvers, nearly knocking him off his broom to stop him from hitting a bludger towards Sophia Morgan when she had the Quaffle. Elizabeth was startled to find she knew these fouls were called Blagging and Batching, respectively. Andrew had certainly rubbed off on her. There was also a fair amount of Cobbing - excessive use of elbows - some of which was caught by Madam Kogawa, and some which was not. With all the penalty shots, and the new strategy, Ravenclaw was up, 140 to 30.

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