Chapter 50 - Useless

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Sebastian jolted awake, drenched in cold sweat, his heart pounding in his chest. His nightmare had been hauntingly vivid, and the fear that engulfed his mind lingered upon waking. He sat up in bed, trying to catch his breath and calm his racing thoughts. It was the same nightmare that had plagued him since Silas Larson's visit - the memory of the fight in the tomb. Of the confrontation with his uncle, the anger and resentment that had simmered for years, finally boiling over. He could still feel the raw power coursing through him as he lashed out, the sound of his uncle's final gasp echoing in his ears.

By the light in the room, Sebastian judged that it was still early morning. Ominis and Lizzie both slept, though he could hear Lizzie's restlessness through the curtain. Sebastian stood and paced in the dim light, the remnants of the nightmare still lingering in his mind. It was more than just the memory - instead of looking up and seeing Anne, it was Silas Larson staring at him. The thought that Silas may, even now, be investigating the matter gnawed at him.

Approaching the window, Sebastian brushed aside the curtains, allowing a sliver of blue light into the house. He swept his eyes over the town beyond, half expecting to see a cloaked figure outside, watching. A flicker of panic lit in him. What if he couldn't keep up his facade and Silas saw through him? What if he exposed him for the monster he truly was? The thought of facing the consequences of his actions, of being stripped of his freedom, sent a chill down his spine.

A soft whimper cut through his thoughts, instantly drawing Sebastian's attention. Lizzie. He ducked through the curtains that separated her bed from his. She was curled into a tight ball, her face contorted with anguish, even in sleep. Sebastian sat on the edge of her bed, gently grasping her shoulder.

"Lizzie," he whispered urgently, "Wake up, you're okay."

Her eyes fluttered open, breaths coming in ragged gasps as she tried to shake off the dream. When she saw Sebastian beside her, a mixture of relief and vulnerability washed over her features. She clung to him, burying her face in his chest as tears spilled down her cheeks. Sebastian wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against him. In that moment, as he felt her trembling form pressed against his own, he couldn't help but marvel at the warmth that spread through his chest, knowing she was close. She was the one constant in his life, the one person who had never betrayed him and who always came back. He stroked her hair soothingly, his touch gentle and comforting.

"It's alright," he murmured, his voice laced with tenderness. "I'm here, Lizzie. You're safe."

They stayed like that, wrapped up together, watching as the light in the room grew and Lizzie calmed down, relaxing against him. Eventually, it was Lizzie who broke the silence.

"I want to go up to the castle today, will you come with me?" she asked.

Sebastian looked at her in surprise, not having expected the question. She met his gaze, determination burning in her eyes. He sighed. She was still set on this, and he didn't feel like having to babysit her.

"I don't think that's a good idea," he replied quietly.

A sudden look of annoyance flashed across her face.

"Your bloody elder wand again?" she snapped quietly, "I keep telling you, Nathaniel has it."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Lizzie, you have no -" He broke off at the soft tap of an owl at the window. "I'll be right back."

He ignored her imploring look, releasing her and walking back into the main room. As he opened the window, the owl extended its leg and he untied the letter. The owl took off, and Sebastian saw that the letter was addressed to Ominis. He dropped the letter onto his friend's bedside table, where he could find it when he awoke. Lizzie pulled aside the curtains, and Sebastian saw she had dressed for the day.

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