Chapter 95: Prognostications

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Elizabeth and Ominis were getting cozy at a pub with the others and Aria noticed. Aria joked about hooking up with Sebastian (Not Andrew) and ended up disappearing for the night. Elizabeth, Ominis, and Sebastian went to the Hall of Memories another day, there was a cameo, and we learned that Ominis and pensieves don't get on well when he tried viewing a memory of a magical artefact - a lantern. Sebastian spotted a different memory of a past Gaunt who withered away staring into a mirror, another artefact. The chapter ended with a letter arriving for Sebastian.


In recent days, Andrew had been immensely surprised to find himself enjoying the company of Sebastian Sallow. Andrew thought that perhaps he ought to find the nearest healer and have his head checked, just in case. But really - perhaps it was simply time spent in his presence, or perhaps it was something else, but it seemed like that spark in Sebastian's eyes that had always put Andrew on edge was gone, and what was left... Andrew could see why so many people seemed drawn to him. His emotions ran close to the surface, and where the previous year, that meant that rage and jealousy made frequent appearances, now Sebastian always seemed to have a ready smile, or he wore his thoughts on his sleeves as he sunk into a somber mood. Sebastian's intellect and quick wit impressed Andrew too, especially during their forays into blood magic with Mihkel. Initially, Andrew had joined these sessions because of his father's directive to watch Sebastian - blood magic was considered a dark art, after all. However, he quickly discovered that it was a fascinating area of study, and that Sebastian's curiosity was primarily driven by his desire to look for new avenues to help Anne. And finally, after actually engaging in conversations with Sebastian, Andrew realized he found him surprisingly interesting, even if he didn't share a passion for Quidditch. Seeing these sides of Sebastian, Andrew could at last begin to fathom why Elizabeth and Ominis remained friends with him, despite everything.

So, when Sebastian received an unexpected letter that night, Andrew held his breath with the rest of them, dreading what it might say. When Sebastian's hands started to shake, Andrew felt his heart sink, and when Sebastian looked up with an utterly inscrutable expression, Andrew feared the worst. But then Sebastian grinned - it was a shaky grin, but it was there.

"Gregorovitch says he'll hear us out," Sebastian said, voice taut, before he dropped his head into his hands and drew in a deep breath. "Oh thank Merlin."

The next morning, Sebastian hardly ate a thing, and Andrew knew he was itching to get going. Once again, Andrew and Aria remained behind so as not to alarm the wandmaker. After seeing the others off, Andrew returned to the kitchen to find Aria still skeptically poking at her breakfast, which, Andrew had to admit, hadn't been his favorite either - pickled herring on rye bread.

"Would you prefer something else?" Andrew asked, leaning against the doorway as he watched her. "I was thinking about making some eggs for myself anyways."

Aria hesitated, looking mildly offended for a brief moment before she sighed and put down her fork.

"If you're going to make them anyways," she said, "Then sure, I'll have some."

Andrew smiled, then busied himself pulling out utensils and a pan. He knew he wasn't the best cook, but, well, eggs were easy enough.

"Do you think Gregorovitch will agree to help?" Andrew asked as he summoned the eggs.

Aria shrugged. "Hard to say, but I would certainly accept that offer."

Andrew snorted - of course. He glanced at her and found she was watching him.

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