Chapter 105: Mendacium Vitae

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First, this chapter is ~all~ out of order with the recent chapters, so I do apologize. Part of it is because of the April Fools chapter, but part of it was just... I forgot a scene lol. So, the first section of this (Elizabeth's) happens in the middle of Chapter 102: Private Chats, kind of concurrent with Andrew's section in which he comes to in the hospital wing. So the Previously for this section:
During their trip to Isvik, Elizabeth and Ominis tentatively decided to give things a go. During the New Year's celebration, Ominis expressed a desire to not go back to Hogwarts, not wanting things to change between them and not wanting to have to hide their relationship. Elizabeth hadn't quite considered this before that point, and was apprehensive. Since returning, they've stolen a few moments together here or there, such as taking a nap in Ominis' dorm.

The second section (Andrew's) happens immediately after the end of Chapter 103: The Ties That Bind, but before Chapter 104: Roses Are Red (April Fool's chapter) so the Previously for this section:
After spending most of the year snooping on his father's behalf, investigating Sebastian, Andrew overheard Elizabeth and Ominis discussing, vaguely, Sebastian killing his Uncle. After being driven to distraction, resulting in a bad fall during a game against Slytherin (Which Ravenclaw subsequently lost) Andrew made up his mind to confront Sebastian and find out the truth. He got Sebastian alone in the Undercroft and disarmed him. After several attempts at his usual lies/stories, Sebastian gave up and told Andrew the truth of everything.

Sorry for the timeline confusion! Took me a hot minute to unravel everything too tbh...

Elizabeth (Saturday Afternoon, after the match)

After leaving Andrew in the hospital wing, Elizabeth and Ominis decided to head to the library to get their Arithmancy homework done for Monday. Sebastian declined to join them, instead running off to visit Anne before they met Garreth at the Three Broomsticks that evening. They sat at one of the second floor tables, working through the Arithmancy problems in amicable silence.

Elizabeth found herself finished first. She debated finishing up her Defense Against the Dark Arts essay, but a wave of exhaustion washed over her at the prospect - it had been a long day already. She sighed and stretched her arms before leaning against Ominis, her head resting on his shoulder. He smiled softly, continuing his calculations. For a moment, everything felt right. She savored the warmth of his presence, the reassuring rhythm of his breathing, and the quiet voice as his wand read each arithmancy problem to him.

But then, all too soon, someone passed by their table and Ominis stiffened slightly. Elizabeth opened her eyes when he cleared his throat.

"Ellie," he said, his voice low and reluctant. "I'm sorry, but, er, we probably shouldn't do this here."

Trying to ignore the hurt gnawing at her, Elizabeth straightened up, forcing a smile despite the ache in her chest.

"No, I'm sorry," Elizabeth whispered back. "I didn't think."

She swallowed back the slight lump in her throat as she turned to pack up her supplies, her movements mechanical as she tried to push aside the feeling that threatened to consume her. Ominis paused in his work, quill hovering above the paper as he seemed to listen. After a moment, he abruptly began to stuff his own materials into his bag. Elizabeth paused, confused.

"Let's find somewhere more private," Ominis said, voice barely a whisper.

He shot her a small smile, and Elizabeth felt her heart lift slightly as she smiled back.

They found an empty classroom one floor down, and Ominis locked the door behind them with a wave of his wand. Elizabeth deposited her bag on one of the desks, then she turned, intending to ask Ominis what he wanted to discuss, but instead found herself pulled into a tight hug. It only took a breath for her to shake off her surprise and wrap her arms around him in return, burying her face against his collar.

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